There are three magic words that everyone wish to hear it from another person, my teacher once said. They are:-
I believe if everyone practise these three special words, even an angry person could be warm after hearing it. Same principal as appreciation. Everytime we receive others kindness, we should be thankful to Allah for the rezeki He gave us and there are many ways to show that are being grateful with what we receive. One of them is treat that person nicely, respect his likeness and his unlikeness. If he dont like it, dont do it. Try to please other in every way we can, than he would know that we appreciate his kindness.
Then whenever we made a mistake, just said sorry. Maybe it is not part of our culture yet, but i belive with a little practise we can manage it. Another problems of ours is, we are afraid to ask, what is the problem? and we tried our best to solve it but by making our own assumption and not by asking him face to face. Isnt it? I just realize it when abah mention it.
And about please. I think it is not a big deal here since we are good in mengambil hati orang. Just like my little sister,just by saying please and show her cute face expression my other family member would totally obey her wants. Same phenomena at the night market, with muka bersungguh that we really want the product insya Allah we will manage to get the price we want from the salesman. See, that is the power of please.
p/s: A reminder for my own