Ucapkanlah perkataan yang benar

Dan apabila seseorang itu bertakwa kepada Allah, nescaya dia akan memelihara tutur katanya. Malah, Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih menjamin akan membaiki amal dan mengampunkan dosa mereka.

"Ya Allah, jadikanlh kami dari kalangan hambaMu yang sentiasa menjaga tuturnya kerna sungguh kami hambaMu yang lemah dan nescaya xmampu tanpa bantuanMu ya Rahman"


When those feeling came to your heart,
I know it was uneasy feeling,
When you think more on that,
It would drag on and on,
And it is so hard to stop,
That it makes your heart aches

Thus, my dear fellow,
When you put your forehead on the ground, especially in your solah
Tell your God The Almighty what do you feel,
Tell Him with all your heart

And soon before you know,
Your heart is at ease,
Cause the One who knows your heart and control it,
Is HIM, Allah the Almighty

If you are asking me, "is it that simple?"
Yes of course,
Coz Your belong to Him not yours
