Hannah at 7 months old

It has been a roller coaster ride *for me* in handling hannah..she is an easy girl to take care of..she hardly cry *ermmmm not anymore now* since she has her very own soother; her thumb :)

Its quite usual whenever i bring hannah for a walk, people will notice about her sucking thumb habit and started to warn us that you better take care of it since she will result in jongang' or this habis might last till she enter school. And the second FAQ question about hannah is regarding her gender, "what a cute little boy", wearing pink from top to bottom still doesnt make her look like a girl. Sobs. Hence now wearing a necklace is an easy solution, *if people could see lah*. The number of questions received on gender is starting to decease. Lol

Alhamdulillah she is a healthy girl. Loves to eat. She eat almost anything i feed her. Fruits, chicken, fish, cake, u name it :) At 6 months and 3 weeks she started to crawl and a week after that she started to sit properly without any tongkat. Currently she is learning how to stand. How time flies.

The only thing that worrying me is her weight. For the last four months she gain only 300g peeps. OMG. And her weight had been stagnant at 7kg for the past 3 months. Ya rabbi. Thought that she would gain some, but no. Itvis quite frustrating since people will put the blame on me. "Mak kau ni xbg mkn ke, mak kau ni xmasak nasi ke, blablabla" those advices are taking into account. Yup, its true that once the baby is getting older, moms need to be prepared to. As now we need to prepare her food and physically fit to entertain them playing. Plus we now need to discover and learn a good activity for him or her.

Im trying my very best hannah. Hence bare with me k :')

Bundle of joy, Aufa

Having new baby is surely rewarding and having to cope with new challenges. Adjusting and adapting at the same time.

Baby is just adorable. Her eyes is like a window to a world. Seeing her innocent face is heart melting. Her long fingers and white cheeky face just like how Disney potray Snow white is. And i pray for that Allah will protect and guide you along the way through.

Mommy loves you and surely ibu love you too. May you grow healthy and be qurratun ayun' to both of your parent.

Teaching in 21st century

Teaching in 21st century is hard. Super hard. And what makes it even harder is the students themselves.

Benar, teknologi abad ini membolehkan kita belajar dengan mudah. Maklumat di hujung jari. Hanya dengan satu klik, kita dapat mencari apa sahaja yang dikehendaki. Jadi, assignment dapat disiapkan jauh dengan lebih mudah.

Namun, bukan silap teknologi itu jika disalah guna oleh pelajar. Ia bergantung pada setiap diri individu tersebut sama ada digunakan ke arah kebaikan atau sebaliknya.

Dan dengan adanya teknologi smartphone ini sukar untuk kita pantau apa yang mereka lihat dengar dan baca.

Saya percaya, teknologi tidak boleh dipersalahkan. Namun pengguna itu sendiri. Benar, iman itu perlu tinggi kerna jika tiada siapa melihat sekalipun yakinlah Allah itu ada dan Maha Melihat apa yang kita lakukan.

Mengajar pelajar abad 21, masalah disiplin yang perlu ditangani amat dasyat. Guru-guru perlu bersedia baik mental mahupun emosi untuk menanganinya. Kerna bukan mudah untuk mengajar mereka yang minda dan jiwanya tiada di situ.

Pendekatan perlu kreatif untuk menarik minat mereka untuk belajar. Motivasi dan nasihat itu penting agar mereka tahu kita sayang mereka. Apa yang penting,  Show them that you care about their learning, show that you care about their future. Cause what it mean to be a teacher is to educate and to inspire.

And it hurts

And it hurts
But mungkin kita yg berhati kecil
Tak cukup besar menerima ketentuan

And it hurts
Especially bila kita harapkan sesuatu but we never get it

And it hurts
Just because we have expectation

Hence i gezz the formula was right
Happiness = reality - expectation