Being successful in add maths means hardwork

Addmaths is one of SPM killer paper. Many students flung their paper and on top of that feels relief if they PaSS the paper. I repeat passing the paper.

Having that mindset as early as 17yo i think is a brain damaging process. Feeling satisfied with passing the paper by achieving only 30% of the exam paper or being correct at only one third of the questions done. It wrong dude, its wrong. When you have that mindset, you will feel good enough not scoring A or when you have many other persons is scoring as bad as you. I poor those kids with that feelings. Without they realize, they are nurturing the malas' attitude and competing with others not themselves.

I believe our strongest enemy is ourselves. Hence we have to challenge our own grade, our own marks and our own attitude. Dont be satisfy if you are only pass but you have to aim high, set A as your target. Or at least you have to improve from one exam to another. If others is not finishing their work because they are stuck and they choose to stop, but dont let yourself behave the same. Chase after the answer. Ask people around. Try as much as hard that you can. Ask your teacher. In other words,  dont stop. Quitting is not an option!

During my schooldays i always envy my friends who could answer questions effortlessly. They can directly answer without referring to anyone. Throughout my form 4, i failed most of the exams. Truthfully, i passed only once which was the very first exam of the year which was the easiest test of all. The rest of it, i failed and failed again.

Hence i truly understand what my kids are facing now. Feeling like a fool in class, know nothing of solving the given equation, feels sooo slow trying to digest what the teacher is trying to deliver. And belum sempat faham cikgu dah gerak ke tajuk lain. *sigh*

So what i did was, i bought pelangi revision book, and during my end semester break, i completed all the exercises given. From page to page without miss. And i am so proud of myself at that time. Then i come back to school for my form five years confidently. And suprisingly i scored B for my TOV exam. Waaaaaaaaaaaaa i am seriously joyous with my result. From that moment,  i never failed my add maths paper as i have a good level of confident and strong basic :)

Hence my dear students, you have to work hard. Try and try again. Dont leave your problem behind as it will be accumulated later :)

Strive hard!