
Time is the biggest constraint now
tapi lambat atau cepat, ia akan tiba juga..
tangguhkan atau bertindak terus, dateline itu akan sampai juga
berjaga malam ataupun kepenatan terus-terusan bekerja
masih, dateline nya tetap sama
tapi lumrahnya
dalam hati pasti kerisauan itu tiba
dalam helaan nafas itu akan ada terselit keluhannya
dan graf hamasah itu bukan sentiasa di atas,
ada naik dan turunnya
fuuh fuuh fuuh
tapi duhai diri,
Masa itu milikNYA Yang Agung
Hati di dalam dada pun milik Allah juga
ketenangan itu dari DIA,
keyakinan itu pun dari DIA,
jadi usah ragu, usah mengeluh dan usah bertangguh lagi

~dalam diam aku berdoa~


I was walking down the street, thinking of something without actually focusing on where I was heading to. Well basically I'm going home. SO it just an automatic repeated process. but suddenly a honk bring me back to the reality. My mind now suddenly became clear and after few seconds it brings me back to a scene that happen one year ago. A honk that suddenly make me wake up from a really-really short dream.

On a fine day, we went on a trip to the southern part of the north island. Sort of winter gathering among sisters. And on that particular event, I was the driver and at the same time one of the person who take charge of the activity. Hence as one part of the job scope, we have to go and have a look at the place we planned to go tomorrow. Yup we had our planned ready, but it just to make sure that the place chosen is OK and suitable for the activity to be carried out tomorrow. So after 8 hours journey and unpack our stuff at the accommodation, I continued driving approximately for another 2 hours. Well I think I am OK. And seriously I am OK. I did not feel tired and far from sleepy. But my body don't actually agree with what I think. On my way back to the accommodation, everyone was tired and decided not to say anything. Some had fall asleep and some just sit and look out without actually focusing on the object. Well that make sense. Especially when the clock showed it is time for maghrib prayer. the view was subhanallah fantastic, and the night cloud was like a temptation to this so not called sleepy eyes. "I am OK, I am OK". Keep telling myself that over and over again. BUT suddenly, someone slapped me from behind and shout my name loudly, "Nurul!!" and when I opened my eyes, the van I drove is no longer on the right track. I was driving on the opposite direction. Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah. Adrenaline rush. Hear beats were super-duper fast. and suddenly breathlessness. and my eyes were widely open as if it never want to close again. Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. over and over again.

Sometimes you can say that you are okay, denying message send by your body.
but at one point of time, your body will take the action and when that times come, your mind just have to bear with it.
That is why, everything have their own right that we have to give..
even in Islam, Rasulallah forbid us from doing Qiyamullail through out the night. Instead sleep first and then wake up and do ur solah
He even forbid us from fasting directly, non-stop for few days or maybe a month (except Ramadhan)
instead he prefer us to fast the way our prophet Daud a.s fast. Fast on one day, and on the next day you dont fast and the next daycontinue your fast..if you could not do that, choose 3 days in a month to do your sunnah fasting.
Where else you can find another religion who can give you this offer? To serve your God, you must as well serve and give others their right, including your own body, subhannallah:)


It has been sometimes since I last sit and write my blog entry properly. since now I have my blogger apps on my mobile, I just type anything that came across my mind at that moment (if the wireless connection is available of course) without going through it over before posting it. And I am sorry for the typos, and unorganized thought.

Well for now, just wanna share something that came across my mind last Sunday, quite late though, but still I wanna put it here~
It has been 2 weeks since my housemate when back to Malaysia for her Aidilfitri celebration, and now she is on her way back to Auckland for another half of the semester. Well, since I myself love to see neat surrounding the moment I step in the house, so I guess she would feel the same. Well it's the golden rule ryte, we treat others like how we want to be treated. So I just arrange things nicely (not that nice but maybe accordingly, just so your eyes tak rasa menyemak bila tengok hehe). We sweep the floors, throw away the rubbing. Well that sorts of things. Just to please her, to make her feel happy=)

Then I suddenly a thought about Jannah (paradise) came. Allah The Most Merciful The Most Gracious has prepared the super cool jannah for His servant even before the first human, Adam was created. Just imagine, when you read Quran, all sorts of descriptions about Jannah is there
Just imagine, if we prepare our house for our guest, we'll make sure that it looks super OK, so that he will be pleased
And He prepared His Best House to His servant. Something that has never been heard about, never been see; but He gave you some 'clue' of it looks like

"Gardens of perpetual bliss – they shall enter them as well as the righteous among their fathers, their spouses and their offspring. And angels shall enter upon them from every gate.”
[Surah al-Rad, 13: 23]

“Be foremost (in seeking) forgiveness from your Lord. And a garden of bliss, the width of the heavens and the earth prepared for those who believe in Allah and His messengers - that is the grace of Allah which He bestows on whom He pleases, and Allah is the Lord of abounding grace.”
[Al Hadid, 57:21]

“(Here is)A parable of the Garden which the righteous are promised. In it are rivers of water, incorruptible; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine, delicious to those who drink; and rivers of honey, pure and clear. In it there are for them all kinds of fruits and forgiveness from their Lord. Can those in such bliss be compared to such as shall dwell forever in the Fire? Those whom shall be given boiling water to drink, it will be so hot that it cuts up their bowels to pieces.” [Surah Muhammad, 47:15]

“Their thirst will be slaked with pure wine, sealed. The seal will be of musk. For This, let the competitors compete. With it (will be given) a mixture of Tasneem, (highest spring in Paradise), a spring from which those nearest to Allah drink.” [Surah al-Mutaffifeen, 83: 25-28]

And if we prepare something for an important guest, then we'll make sure that all the foods, and other stuff is even better than Super OK standard.
Then imagine, if I cleaned the house maybe few hours before my flatmate arrive, then Allah has created the Heaven and the Earth BEFORE human has ever created, not to count how long it takes before the first human was selected to see it.
So just imagine how big, and how GREAT His love to His servant?
How Merciful He is, to give us the description so that we are motivated to be GOOD and come back to Him, because only the RIGHT one will have the chance to be in His Jannah.
AND surely, to have, to feel and to be selected to see all these is NOT EASY.
Just like what SSP's band used to say, "No Guts, No Glory"
and same concept apply

dear self, "if you said you want to be there, then are you sure you have done enough in this lif for yourself and people around you?
Apakah kamu mengira bahwa kamu akan masuk surga, padahal belum datang padamu (cobaan) sebagaimana halnya orang-orang terdahulu sebelum kamu? Mereka ditimpa malapetaka dan kesengsaraan, serta diguncangkan (dengan bermacam-macam cobaan) sehingga berkatalah Rasul dan orang-orang yang beriman bersamanya, “Kapankah datangnya pertolongan Allah?” Ingatlah, sesungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu amat dekat. (QS. Al-Baqarah:214)

Doa Yang Terlupakan

KETIKA Saidina Umar al-Khattab mengerjakan tawaf di keliling Kaabah, beliau terdengar doa seorang lelaki.
"Ya Allah masukkanlah aku dalam kumpulan orang yang sedikit."
Terkedu juga Saidina Umar dengan doa yang agak ganjil itu.
Biasanya manusia suka kepada kumpulan yang ramai. Malah, kita sendiri mahu mempunyai ramai kawan. Jika pengikut ramai, lagi kukuh dan gah kita.
Tetapi lain pula halnya dengan lelaki terbabit.
Apabila ditanya, rupanya lelaki itu menjelaskan begini:
"Tidakkah tuan baca dalam al-Quran. Allah menjelaskan ayat yang bermaksud:
...sedikit sahaja di kalangan hamba-Ku yang bersyukur..."[34:13, 7:10]
Rupanya, dia berdoa supaya menjadi golongan orang yang bersyukur.

Daripada ayat itu, memanglah Allah memberitahu kita sangat sedikit orang yang tahu
berterima kasih dan bersyukur.
Tersenyum Saidina Umar.

Bersyukur ke hadrat ilahi atas nikmat tarbiyah yg aku nikmati hari ini.kalau aku lukis kembali graf tarbiyah aku.pasti aku yg malu sendiri.lambat pelahan dan statik.tapi sungguh rahmat Allah itu melangit luas.DIA beri aku peluang demi peluang.jika di tahun pertama tarbiyah aku masih bermain tarik tali.pg usrah tapi hati kering.mungkin kerana buat aku pergi SALAH..membenarkn kata2 itu..lemahnya langkah kerana salah langkah bermula..*sigh* mengeluh sendiri
Tapi sungguh Allah sabar denganku..dan DIA beri peluang skali lagi..dan kali ini melalui cara yang berbeza..sungguh DIA MAHA TAHU bila dan pada detik mAna kita bersedia untuk membawa risalah ini..dan bagaimana cara untuk buat kita benar2 memahami Islam itu sendiri..alhamdulillah dan alhamdulillah..
Bila mana kita mendapat tarbiyah dari Allah syukurilah dan pegang ia erat2..sebab kita tahu sampau bila nafas kita ini akan dipinjamkan..sampai bila rasa itu akan dikurniakn..
Betapa baikNYA Allah untuk memilih kita dissebalik segala kekurangan kita..setelah segala dosa yg telah kita perbuat..TAPI Dia masih memilih kita! dan bukan orang lain.kita dan kita.setelah Dia memilih siapa kita untuk menolak?SOMBONGlah kita jika telah dipilih utk menerima hadiah tp memilih utk menolak..

Hargailah.rasailah.manisnya sebuah tarbiyah itu