
I was walking down the street, thinking of something without actually focusing on where I was heading to. Well basically I'm going home. SO it just an automatic repeated process. but suddenly a honk bring me back to the reality. My mind now suddenly became clear and after few seconds it brings me back to a scene that happen one year ago. A honk that suddenly make me wake up from a really-really short dream.

On a fine day, we went on a trip to the southern part of the north island. Sort of winter gathering among sisters. And on that particular event, I was the driver and at the same time one of the person who take charge of the activity. Hence as one part of the job scope, we have to go and have a look at the place we planned to go tomorrow. Yup we had our planned ready, but it just to make sure that the place chosen is OK and suitable for the activity to be carried out tomorrow. So after 8 hours journey and unpack our stuff at the accommodation, I continued driving approximately for another 2 hours. Well I think I am OK. And seriously I am OK. I did not feel tired and far from sleepy. But my body don't actually agree with what I think. On my way back to the accommodation, everyone was tired and decided not to say anything. Some had fall asleep and some just sit and look out without actually focusing on the object. Well that make sense. Especially when the clock showed it is time for maghrib prayer. the view was subhanallah fantastic, and the night cloud was like a temptation to this so not called sleepy eyes. "I am OK, I am OK". Keep telling myself that over and over again. BUT suddenly, someone slapped me from behind and shout my name loudly, "Nurul!!" and when I opened my eyes, the van I drove is no longer on the right track. I was driving on the opposite direction. Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah. Adrenaline rush. Hear beats were super-duper fast. and suddenly breathlessness. and my eyes were widely open as if it never want to close again. Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. over and over again.

Sometimes you can say that you are okay, denying message send by your body.
but at one point of time, your body will take the action and when that times come, your mind just have to bear with it.
That is why, everything have their own right that we have to give..
even in Islam, Rasulallah forbid us from doing Qiyamullail through out the night. Instead sleep first and then wake up and do ur solah
He even forbid us from fasting directly, non-stop for few days or maybe a month (except Ramadhan)
instead he prefer us to fast the way our prophet Daud a.s fast. Fast on one day, and on the next day you dont fast and the next daycontinue your fast..if you could not do that, choose 3 days in a month to do your sunnah fasting.
Where else you can find another religion who can give you this offer? To serve your God, you must as well serve and give others their right, including your own body, subhannallah:)

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