Auckland Domain. That is where we're heading to last Saturday. We are exited about it, picnic, sounds great isn't it? I wonder what that place is? A beach I guess. Where else could be better?
We walked for half an hour and still our senior keep this place a secret. And the beautiful about secret is that, we are free to imagine anything, and of course I imagine a beautiful beach crowded with people. But since we're walking up and down the hill, i am confused. It seems like we're getting further away from the beach. And I was right, the beach is now far behind. Auckland domain is obviously not going to be a beach.
After passed by block after block, finally I saw a 'pintu gerbang' written Auckland domain on. Owh it is a park=) I entered with smile from ear to ear. there was a huge green field where people always play cricket (that is what our senior said). Then we passed by a lake full of ducks, not one or two but a lot, maybe nearly a hundred of them. They were sleeping at that time, and they are so cute. But what I am curious about is, why dont they feel afraid? The same things goes to the birds here? Why dont they fly away when huamn are around? emm I wonder, and still dont have the answer.
Then, from far I could see a beautiful building up on the hill. It is a very big builing and look kind of old. Look like a white house, but it is in brown. Tak sempat nak tanye, the senior already answered the question. It is a museum. hahahaha yes it does fix the characteristic=)
Not far from the museum, I could see another senior sitting there preparing the food we going to have. As we reach there, we gathered around and start our majlis with Al-Fatihah. Then she tell us a short story and we played some game. It followed by eating. They planned it well and prepared it all. And we do nothing, just enjoy and have a great time there. Oh God, they are just too kind and I kind expressed it in word. Would I do the same thing if I have a new batch coming in? Emm I wonder.
The best part of the picnic is playing rounders and visiting the winter garden. Rounders is a game I haven't play for ages. I dont know if I still have the skill or not. When my turn came, I pray that Allah will help me. Dengan lafaz bismillah I hit the ball and I made it=) We won with 3-0 scores, and I am one of the person who help us to win=)
Next is winter garden. The most wonderful place I've seen in my life so far. It is magnificient and the flowers just awesome, full of coulurs. I wish umi abah nana eti fadhil n ijah could see all these through my eyes. I really wish so. Subhanallah. Indahnya ciptaan mu. See these yourself.
It really nice isn't it? If it is isn't, the fault belong to the photographer=) There are a lot more, but I dont have enough time to snap them. Panjang umur ada rezeki bleh pegi lagi, hopefully the next time will be with umi abah and everybody, amin.