Now things are getting more complicated. I took 2 maths paper; 260 and 253 and both of them are interesting.
I like the idea of 260 where I could see how it is applied in the world. Sometimes I have no idea that a simple system like bycycle movement is actually do have connection with equilibrium point and the eigenvectors. And what I love most of 253 is the lecturer himself. I adore the way he teach us. I could see how enthusiastic he is towards the subject he thought and how deep he understand a certain thing. That is why he could relate everything he learn with the real world, like the application of Fourier series in the heat convection and in music even they are in different field. That is the attitude when we really want to learn something, we will search for it just for the sake of knowledge itself and not for the sake of the exam like what most of the student are doing right now. Maybe that is where we could measure the quality of the knowledge. I cant afford to sleep in his class since what he usually said is not in the text book. He is just so fantastic.
Eventhough 260 and 253 are two different papers, but somehow we are talking about the same thing. Both Alastair and Powell are talking bout max and min point. eigenvalues, eigenvectors and Jacobian. But it is only how they see things and how they interpret them differently. How strange isnt it? In this world people are seeing the same thing but we will interpret things differently. Both you and I might see the same tree and feel the same wind, but you may think that "wow how refreshing and how this cool air will make you feel good" and the other person might think "It is going to rain". It all depends on our knowledge and our heart. That is world. Now I wish I could combine both 253 and 260, digest them well so that I could find the common thing between them and at the same time explain both of them well, Then I wont be confused anymore.
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