Are we developed into a calculator

I want to write something, but have no idea what I should write. emmm emmm emmme mmm emmm emmmm
what about being a calculator in higher education?
What is the difference of learning from primary school to secondary school and now at higher education? What are the difference that you can think of? Sometimes ot feels the same, doesnt ot, but maybe now the syllabus are now more in detail and the question set are tougher than before. What else?
For me, the huge difference that I could trace is WE MUST KNOW WHAT WE ARE DOING. The syllabus aren't set for you only to have the formula right on front of your eyes without knowing anything. Now you have to know where and how it is derived. We spend hours of proving theories, and how the theory exist. Sometimes I wonder, do we have to know since we would only use the already given formula in the sheet rather than showing how on earth came from. But I figured it out that it is an elementary school of thinking, isnt it? Why do we have tolearn things that are only covered in exam? Meaning that we only study for the sake of passing the course only.
I always regret if I cant answer thing that I already learn. But it is kind of normal now. If that happen, I knew that I didnt understand it by heart. But at least, if I looked at the book, and I could reflect something, I am satisfied enough. I dont to be a CALCULATOR afterwards. That is not what I want to be. And I am sure you feel the same.

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