How my Blog started:)

Writing has never been my passion. Or thing that I am obsessed about. Its hard to let others see thru what I am thinking and how I reflects things around me. Maybe that is why I hardly speak or hardly share my inner thought. My dad know this little habit of mine will result in a bigger problem. So this little blog idea came from him. On early 2008, 5 years ago, i were about to further study abroad and he suggested me to keep updating each and everyone of us of what is happening around me. Sort of prove of existence hehe:) and from that day onwards, I write and write. For the first few years I update my trips and what I see around me. Maybe from there I learn to share my thought, bits by bits. Maybe no one is reading them, and I know the only reader yang SETIA is my dad:) Without rasa bosan, he replies me, ignoring my bad english, patiently replies each and every post I made make me feel appreciated, he allows me to think differently, broaden up my view and the way I reflect things. and from there I learn to think, share what I see, what I feel..bukankah erti hidup it pada memberi:)

And thank You abah for guiding me thru all the way..see me thru and guide me to be a better one could see me better than you do:) Jazakillah Khair kerana bersabar dengan kak long selama ni..moga Allah memudahkan segala urusan kebaikan abah, di dunia dan akhirat..sayang abah hingga syurga insya Allah

Happy Birthday Abah:)
Love You, Always, Now and Forever:)


  1. Abah dah letih mengomen Post ini tetapi tak keluar...

    Apapun terima kasih kerana ingatan. Pak Cik Adib started me with blogging and I think it helped me a lot in expressing myself. And I tried to use proper expressive language whether in Bahasa Melayu or English. It is a practice of sort. It helped me to put my thoughts together with coherence and put it down. Along the way, new ideas came along to add spice to the original message. And I think it helped in my career because my superior tend to notice the expression and facts behind it. In Blogging we need to put forward facts in a beautiful way. Without facts, it is just a `Ruang Sembang'..

  2. Mungkin itu yang kak long nak buat, ruang sembang. ruang untuk meletakkan buah fikiran, rasa hati sebab insya Allah penulisan dari hati akan sampai ke hati insya Allah:)

  3. Long... read my response in my FB photos posting..
