Jealousy is nothing for Jannah is everlasting

been trying to tell myself good things about it. Whats up with me now? Am I getting offended? Errrggghhh confuse with my own that somehow I starts googling, what's up with me? Am I having any problem with she going out to a nice place with someone? NO
Then do I actually envy her having some good time there? NO
ok then what?
Rather putting the questions on her why dont you look at the mirror. What is the problem now?
All right definitely you see no one other than yourself. And what's up with you dear?

Then hmmm do I actually feeling alone here that I started to feel bad about myself?
Errrr Errr hmmmm probably :( *the voice stuck in the throat*

Dear self,
What's up with you? Are you involve in this jealousy issue. Mind blowing. EEERRRGGGHHHH
Do cheer up. Are you feeling afraid of losing her? Yesssss but NOOO
ok complicated. Yes of course but No because I know she love me :) I do know her well. We share quite a lot, ekh no, we do share A LOT good stuff together, INDEED

Heee, thinking of those simply can put the smile on, not a smirk, but a true smile hee, I can feel it on my eyes. Aren't you feel that too when you are happy.

For those besties who dont quite understand, might as well you are not close enough with your BFF.

I used to wonder, why do Imam Hassan al-Banna said, the lowest level of ukhwah (relationship) is to not think bad upon your friend.
Somehow I think that is simple enough to do, but why and why?

Now maybe, maybe, when you are sooooo close with someone, and you actually have your expectation upon him/her, right?

Then when your expectaion isn't fulfill, then your head might go there and there, searching for any possibilities of why your expectation is not fulfilled. Then your heart start to think and feel bad about it.
All right, for those who are in those situation, QUICKLY PUT A STOP TO YOUR THOUGHT.
Tell yourself that you are wrong, and you know who your BFF really is. He/She wont be that way.
“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, jauhilah dari banyak berprasangka; Sesungguhnya sebahagian dari sangkaan itu adalah dosa, dan janganlah kamu mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang, dan janganlah setengah kamu mengumpat setengahnya yang lain, dan janganlah ada di antara kamu yang mengumpat sebahagian yang lain. Adakah di antara kamu yang suka memakan daging saudaranya yang sudah mati? Tentu kamu merasa jijik. (Oleh itu, patuhilah larangan-larangan yang tersebut) dan bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah; Sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat, lagi Maha Mengasihani.”(Surah Al-Hujurat, 49; Ayat 12)

Next if that doesn't work, then, quickly remember something good that you had share together. And tell yourself how lucky you are to have those moment. Isn't your bestie is a gift from heaven, one of the Rahmah that Allah has given you? Subhanallah. Those precious moments where you share all your stories with him/her, the moment you cuddle each other so tightly out of happiness, for who you are she don't simply judge you but rather patiently listen and understand you. and I know when you start counting those moments, the movies simply play in your heads without knowing where to stops. Isn't that wonderful? *big smile* =D

If that doesn't work either, next, do remember how far you have come. Might be one year, 3 years, or 10 years. Why you want to wasted all good things you've shared together. You have gone through ups and down together, isn't it a huge waste? Nope please, think twice. If twice is not enough, do it three times, until your feel at peace.

And Lastly, if all above doesn't work for you, this is the most important thing to reflect,
you and your friend is not only to share good moment in this worldly dunya, nope. But this is a strong relationship that we want to keep and the very same person that we want to see on Jannah *deep cry*
Because if it don't work here, how are you supposed to bring your friend in front of the All Mighty and say, "Ya Allah Ya Rahman, he/she is one of the blessing that you have given me on this earth. Thank You Allah. And with all Your Mercy, please and please put us together in Jannah"

With that, insya Allah your heart is STRONG and you know that you want to keep your bestie more than anything for she reminds you of Allah and make the best out of you, insya Allah
One more tips, make a lot of dua, whe you feel bad upon something, pray harder, go back to your quran, for the remedy of it is with HIM, cause he owner of your heart is Allah, the Most Merciful. When you feel bad upon something, make a lot of dua'a, cause you'll feel better with it and you are putting everything back to the owner of all, Allah SWT.
And, with His power, Insya Allah, May Allah ease your heart, and put your heart at peace.
Allahu Akbar

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