so here it goes
after several days of not writing anything*sigh*
thinking or writing my dissertation or at least get my head around it
everything is there, just need to sit and write *i gezz*

OK, dont wanna talk about that now
have it enough for this whole week
its finally weekend and I always saved it to renew and recharge yeay!!

yesterday I came across one funny story about a boy and his long new trousers..
Say his mom bought him a new pant, but it is slightly long, maybe 10cm ~OK dont need to be that specific tho, just say that it is long enough for him which possibly make him look 'selekeh'
so he complained and and walk out from home feeling unsatisfied
then he met his sister outside and again he complained the same thing
Finish there, he walk away and meet his friends. Again he whine things there. and so forth, the same thing said over and over again.

Without his knowing, inside the house his lovely mom repair his pant and put it on sofa so that he would gladly see it when he first came in. But, despite the little boy his sister see the pant and she thought, 'oh this must be the new long pant he mentioned just now'. So she then cut it and put the best effort to fix it. Just like her mom, she put it back on the sofa. But it didn't end there, another friend who he pass by just now also came for a visit and also do the same action like his mom and sister. *sigh*

And when he came home, "kenapain seluarnya kok di paras lutut doan" =)

The moral of the story is:
sometimes, not sometime! Most of the time when we have problem, automatically we whine things, complain things - without thinking and reflecting why and why Allah send that test to us. Then as a person who listen, aren't we will try to please our friend by doing things that we think is best for him. So we might cut the trousers and fix it. But a human will do things with a limited knowledge, how on earth we'll know what's best for our dear friend. But one thing for sure, we want her to be happy and we'll try to please her in anyway we could. So don't blame your friend if she 'do' that after she knows your story, because she loves you and trust me, she's trying her best to fix things for you.
But the biggest 'ibrah' is, whenever you have problem, turn to HIM as He is the Most Knowing and He knows best how to tackle it for you. Because Allah give you what you need and NOT what you want. Be like prophet Ya'qub
"He said, "I only complain of my suffering and my grief to Allah , and I know from Allah that which you do not know" [12;86]
then only, gunalah manusia untuk kau ceritakan duka mu..kerana mungkin Allah yang telah melapangkan dadamu untuk mengadukan cerita itu buat si dia..mungkin lintasan hatimu pada detik itu didorong oleh Allah dan bukan nafsu sedih mu itu..kembalikan segalanya padanya dan biarlah DIA yang menyelesaikan masalah itu melalui cara yang DIA kehendaki, bukan kita yang mengadu domba sesukanya..kerana mungkin pada ketika itu, pengharapan kita tidak lagi pada Allah, waiyazubillah~

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