Tajuk hari ini..BALAGH..

beberapa entry yang lepas tak buat tajuk pun..hmm kenapa entah..ada apa dengan tajuk??
*fikir sejenak*
a big problem of mine is never know how to say things in a concise way, simple and compact. if there is to possible route which one would take you from A to B in 5 minutes, I would take a longer path 20min maybe. My bad *sigh*

it is an old habit of mine. Actually I never realize it myself. What I know, I am always afraid of saying things in my mind. Maybe being too conscious of what people might think and feeling afraid they cant get what I am trying to say. So I chose to keep silent and keep thinking and thinking. Not to say that I am a critical thinker, but maybe just too hard to express it. Dats all.
So when I am forced to speak, that will happen. Beating around the bush. Suddenly remember how my dad would always force me to go in front and talk better it be in McD or as simple as raising my hand up to call 'makcik' working at the mamak stall. But I refused to do so (always), and in the end my younger sister would do it on my behalf. And obviously sedar tak sedar 'abah' will tarik muncung panjang and mula me'nasihat' sikit..but again, I keep it that way for years, not once hehe..cerita dulu..

tapi itulah seorang saya:) reminded of this hadith
" balighna annil ayah, (sampaikan walau satu ayat)"
*gulp* my biggest weakness.
to convey is one problem (of course!!) But this hadith specifically use the word 'balagh' which actually means deliver the message clearly!! fuuh fuuh sesak nafas tiba-tiba..istghfar istighfar istighfar~
To speak (only), I have to gather all my strength..dats why normally after my usrah or tazkirah, memang biasanya akan collapse..menyedut seluruh tenaga saya..
and now, it is actually not enough!! I have to be precise and deliver it till people clearly understand my message. Ok that will take another tons of my energy *deep breath, fuuuh*
but logic sebenarnya!!how could we deliver the message of Islam tanpa bersungguh-sungguh..tanpa memastikan kefahaman kepada yang mendengar dan menerima. jika salah cara kita menyampaikan, mungkin dan boleh jadi orang akan menganggap islam itu susah dan mebawa fitnah kepada agama itu sendiri. Jadi memang wajar jika perkataan balagh itu digunakan, kerana 'al-haq' itu pasti dan kebenaran ini hanya dari Allah dan segala-gala tentang DIA dan apa yang datang dariNYA memang indah. Jadi selayaknya mereka yang menyampaikan, menyampaikan dengan sebaik mungkin agar ke'best'an Islam itu tersebar dan terus tersebar. (motivating diri sendiri, kalau bukan siapa lagi kan:)

But trust me. Everything comes by process. Allah created everything by process. Better it be human, the fruits begin from seed, freezing winter comes first before the joyful spring, and after every rain there will be a rainbow. Subhanallah. So never afraid, never have doubt.
If you think you are never been test by sickness, t
hen your fear is your mujahadah. Allah want U to fight your own feeling, your own perception about your surrounding and so forth. He is with you and this verse is my motivation

"And strive for Allah with the striving due to Him. He has chosen you and has not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty. [It is] the religion of your father, Abraham. Allah named you "Muslims" before [in former scriptures] and in this [revelation] that the Messenger may be a witness over you and you may be witnesses over the people. So establish prayer and give zakah and hold fast to Allah . He is your protector; and excellent is the protector, and excellent is the helper. [22:78]

balighna annil ayah, (sampaikan walau satu ayat)

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