What does it mean by a failure I wonder? Is it when you got FAIL in your test, then are you will be categorized as a failure? Or is it when you didnt achieve your goal, then you will be call a loser? I believe neither one of them is correct.
Failure is when you decide yourself that you are a failure. When you stop running towards your dream then you should stop and ponder, What am I doing all this while? When you lose all your hope and stop trying, then you will be considered as a failure. Bukan di mata orang lain, tapi kegagalan terhadap diri sendiri. Cause you know yourself what you have been doing all this while.
I always belief that, no one has the right to hate. Who are we to hate others. Even His Creator love him so much and blessed him with Hislove all this while. So who are we to judge. but as a human, we can only hate the bad things or bad habits in him and pitty him for not being able to see like what we see.
And that is why we need a friend. To remind us that you are priceless and cant be compared to anything in this world. A good friend is like a reflection of you. He will tell you honestlty when you are wrong, caugh you when you fell and make yu strong when you are down. Even Prophet Musa needs Prohet Harun to accompany him when we spread his message of Islam. And Rasulallah once menton:-
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) defines a good friend in these words: "He is the one whose very sight makes you remember Allah, whose conversation increases your knowledge and whose deeds remind you of the world in the Hereafter"
(Biharul Anwar, Vol.XV, p.51)
Wallahua'lam. So dont hate yourself, always appreciate everything you have cause that is the best and it happen for reason. Failure is when you stop trying and remember
39:53 SAY: “[Thus speaks God:] ‘O you servants of Mine who have transgressed against your own selves! Despair not of God’s mercy: behold, God forgives all sins - for, verily, He alone is much-forgiving, a dispenser of grace!’ ”
And one more thing,
94:5 And, behold, with every hardship comes ease 94:6 verily, with every hardship comes ease!
Insya Allah. It is okay to be upset cause KITA ADALAH MANUSIA BIASA, just what make a different is when you decide to take another step. ~A reminder to me, myself and I~