Disebalik CROCS yang digemari

Kepunyaan Anda adalah

Harta adalah bukan apa yang anda miliki hari ini,
Namun apa yang anda belanjakan untuk hari esok
di jalan-Nya

FreeMasons @ AJL

sekadar perkongsian
video ini membuat saya banyak berpikir, adakah hal ini benar2 terjadi?
adakah semua ini hanya kebetulan?
atau adakah kita hanya sekadar mengikut trend terkini?
namun terfikirkah kita bahawa trend2 barat yang menjadi ikutan,
adakah kesemuanya shaped by FreeMason?
Kawalan minda kian parah menerjah segenap tempat
jadi apa tindakan kita?
masih berdiam dan sedia menerima apa jua?
Sejauh manakah pegangan kita?

Specially dedicated to my ABAH

Hisablah diri kalian sebelum kalian dihisab

hanyalah sebagai paringatan diri dan moga memberi pengajaran kepada yang membacanya

Rasulallah saw bersabda
"Dua kaki seorang hamba tidak dapat bergerak pada hari Kiamat, hingga ia ditanyakan tentang 4 hal. Tentang umurnya, untuk apa ia gunakan; ilmunya, yang mana saja yang telah ia amalkan; hartanya, dari mana ia mendapatkannya sekaliguss ia gunakan untuk apa; dan tubuhnya, untuk apa ia manfaatkan"
[Diriwayatkan At-tarmizi]

mampukah kita menjawab segala persoalan tersebut di sana kelak? Sedang hari ini pun hamba berkira-kira mengatur ayat menyusun kata mencipta jawapan. Apakah lagi nanti dihadapan Yang Empunya Diri, Pemilik Setiap inci diri ini.

dan amalan pertama sekali yang akan dihisab adalah solat, sepertimana yang diriwayatkan Abu Daud di hadith shahih bahawa Rasulallah saw bersabda,

"Amal perbuatan pertama sekali dihisab pada seseorang di hari kiamat ialah solat. Allah azzawajalla berfirman kepada para malaikatNya, "Coba perhatikan solat hambaKu ini. Apakah solatnya sempurna atau tidak?. Jika solatnya sempurna maka ditulis sempurna. Jika solatnya ada yang tidak sempurna, Allah berfirman, "Coba perhatikan solat sunnah hambaKu ini" Jika tersebut pernah mengejakan solat sunnah, Allah berfirman, "Lengkapi solat wajib hambaKu ini dengan solat sunnahnya'. Lalu amal perbuatan lain diproses seperti itu"
[Diriwayatkan Abu

sungguh khusyu itu sukar, dan teamat sukar. Dalam masa yang singkat pelbagai perkara menerjah minda, fokus kini hilang entah kemana. jadi jika mampu mengerjakan solat sunnah, apakata kita cuba istiqamah mengerjakannya, dan moga Allah ampunkan kelemahan hamba.
[Taujih Ruhiyyah - Abd Hamid Al-Bilali]

Our hearing our sight make us ..

This is a quotation I heard from Voice of Islam (VOI) this morning; We are what we see, what we hear. I wonder how true that statement is? And I don't need to prove it by induction cause it has a direct proof from the Quran itself. All our perception and thinking are shaped from what we read and what analyze from our surrounding. All these pocession we borrowed, isn't it useless to be use in a wrong way in this limited period. Just like when we are borrowing a book from the library, we will usually maximize the usage before sending it, or else it would be wasting time of borrowing and we got nothing. Same concept applied.

Watching television have a very big impact on me. I always tend to make decision reflecting on how I see it on TV, how the people around them would be affected with that kind of decision made, and what others would feel if I act like these actress, is it nice or irritating to some people. And without realizing it, the 'perwatakan' sometimes become apart of me. And things that I read would shape my thinking view. Hmm Am I that easy to be influenced?
And what I hear does give impact on sound will be echoing in my head when I am not listening it. If I listened to an ustadz giving his talk, it will make me feel calm and close to My Creator. And if I am listening to a song, then the tempo will give a little effect on my mood; might be feeling happy or just calm.
Lets see what the Quran says about our senses and how we really should use it:-

7:179 (Asad) And most certainly have We destined for hell many of the invisible beings and men who have hearts with which they fail to grasp the truth, and eyes with which they fail to see, and ears with which they fail to hear. They are like cattle -nay, they are even less conscious of the right way: it is they, they who are the [truly] heedless!

Actually Allah had mentioned in the Quran what is the purpose of all these nikmat he gave us. How to use it in a proper way since the way we are using it does reflecting how we are. Wondering, how have I used all these belonging up till now?

Verily, We have created man from Nutfah drops of mixed semen (discharge of man and woman), in order to try him, so We made him hearer, seer. "[Al-Insan, 76:2]

Tiramisu vs Cheese cake

It has been a year since I last make baked cheese cake and suddenly I feeling like having one. So I opened up a recipe given by a friend of mine last 2 years. But I actually only noted the ingredients assuming that I will know how to make it. But I am wrong, can vividly remember how the finishing is, either baking it or frozen it? Which one do I choose? And I chose to place it in the fridge. If I remember it right, it should have some color on it, but cant actually picture how to make it. Ya Allah, how the situation shows that our mind can only trigger some memory depending on the situation.

Without relating it with our previous experience, it is hard to put the picture right. Then a my flatmate came dropping by and I serve her some cake. And actually she kind of refusing it structure. "Is the same as like you made last 2 years? If I am not mistaken, it should turn yellowish and have some black current on top. Shouldn't it be baked instead? And only then it rings a bell in my head. Yeah I do remember it first looks like it is gong to explode when I baked it and only after it cool down it I put the jam and on the last part is where the refrigerator play its part. Ya Allah, ini juga satu tarbiyah dari Allah, mengajar kita supaya lebih peka dalam sesuatu tindakan yan diambil dan tidak memandang ringan akan sesuatu. We learn by steps right. Maybe I get it wrong this time, but Insya Allah I'll remember it from now onwards. And the memory definitely will remain =)

To My dearest ChuJah

Chu's Birthday
I wish to have a mocca - I remember song tapi xboleh, bayangkanlah anda sedang mendengar lau mocca ok:)
mocca - i remember

What fraction is all about?

I never know that fraction could arise so many questions in our head. Yesterday it was a hot topic discussed by my MATHS302 classmates and I really enjoyed their conversation. Actually I was mesmerized. How this small topic could arise so many questions in many different aspects.
For example, how would you explain to a kid that 1/2 + 2/7 is actually 11/14 and not 3/9 which is the most common answer you would find. What kind of explanation I would give that would give if not perfect maybe almost perfect explanation to kids who are eagerly waiting for the answer? All I know is we should first and for most equalize the denominator which in this case is 14. And that is what I told my teammates. And obviously there is a disagreement there. We should explain them how, give some sense to it? Emm now my mind starting to think; how?
What of the class member throw a simple idea but totally understandable. Lets cut two equal size of paper; one of them make it into two and the other one divided by seven. Then just simply show that the half of paper + 2 parts of 7 is simply bigger that 1/3. Emm that sounds good to me. Nothing like you need to multiply 2 by 7 first and then carry out with addition blah blah blah. When you switch on their understanding switch, then their curiosity level will increase and it will be easier for the to digest what you deliver.
Wow, that is the right way of teaching. Not operation understanding that should be cultivate, but the understanding about what fraction actually is. Cause if the teacher taught them what they should do, they will never understanding what fraction is about. If fraction which only the basic concept the children hardly understand, then how they will carry on higher level of mathematics? What a big challenge for the teachers to handle. Lots of thing need to be taken into account. And Insya Allah one day I will need to think about all those aspects as well.

Thinking Reflecting Evaluating

Emm now that I am in MATHS302 I feel like changing the whole way of learning maths, from my primary school to my high school method. I dont really know whether I am learning or am I listening. Do I really understand things back then and it somehow reflecting how I look at things now. Maths is only a race and not more than that. Who do it fast, who are able to finish first is the BEST. That is how I persuade maths before and somehow it kind of stick on me.

Back then, in my school we use to sit in the same lecture theater and the teacher in front would throw us some questions and the students would immediately try to solve the problem. And the bright student would raise up their hand and confidently answer. Somehow the situation are really competitive and make me dream of becoming a person like her; fast and accurate.

But now I realize maths is not everything about your answer. It is the mater how you find it how you work on it. But when the race perception had stick in your mind for more than a decade it is really hard to be change. When we had a discussion just now, it really make me think that I dont have anything to offer in maths. All I do is copying notes in class, learn from the schema given, answering tutorial and arrived at the answer no matter how. A member of mine mentioned, "I dont like an easy recipe, I would prefer to be wrong than having an answer without understand anything about it. Maths is something to be play with". And deep inside I totally agree with him. All I do till now maybe finding an answer. And I think, it is the affect of my previous way of education.

Previously, we learn without engaging our mind with the problem. Maybe all we know is how to tackle to question, if you got this, and this is what you should do. Do this question as homework and send me the answer; then it will make maths as the personal problem and don't even try to exchange idea with their friends around and wasting the creative ideas you would get. Maybe that's why I am lacking of discussion skill especially in maths. I don't realize the importance understanding the matter and solely focus on the answer since that is where I could get the marks. And that is my priority.

And maybe teachers should change the delivering method in class. Make the students communicate their creative ideas or else they would be loosing the skill of explaining their ideas. Appreciate everything they share and encourage them to think how it is like that. Then the curiosity attitude will naturally develop and help them to learn maths in more interesting way. Then, teachers maybe can think of hiding the scheme of answer and educate them that marks is not everything, it is only the bonus when you understand it. And maybe it would make the student become more creative and it will develop their interest in learning especially maths.

Insya Allah

Insya Allah

Ibadah Baginda

Di petik dari sebuah buku bertajuk Tafsir dan Tarbiah dari Surah Yasin karangan Ust Aziz bin Ismail. Buku yang mempunyai 132 halaman ini banyak memberi perspektif yang baru kepada saya meskipun baru sebahagian yang saya cuba fahami kerana cara penyusunan ayat ini mungkin sedikit kompleks bagi saya yang baru ingin belajar merangkak ini. Dari ayat yang ke-7,
"Sesungguhnya perkataan (Allah) telah terbukti kebenarannya kepada kebanyakan mereka (namun) mereka (tetap) tidak beriman"[36:3]

Ustaz ada menyatakan, "Tujuan hidup manusia adalah untuk menghilangkan kebodohan. Pengetahuan telah ada padanya. Pengetahuan berasal dari sifat Allah Al-A'lim-Maha Mengetahui-. Sifat ini selalu ada, maka tugas manusia tinggallah melepaskan kebodohan. Pengetahuan Tuhan (Al-'ilm Al-laduni) telah ada pada kita, dan untuk sampai kepadanya, kita harus mempelajari ilmu syariat dan ilmu akhlak, yang kesemuanya didasarkan atas perilaku kenabian Nabi Muhammad.

Cara ibadah Nabi, seperti sujud, berasal dari sifat dasarnya (fitrah). Dengan mengikut jejaknya, kita ingin memusatkan diri pada usaha penyempurnaan fitrah untuk memperoleh pengetahuan Ilahi tersebut, kerananya kita meneladani perilaku lahiriah beliau sebaik mungkin. Perilaku lahiriah tersebut bukanlah tujuan; ia hanya diperlakukan untuk memperoleh tujuan batiniah, agar manusia dapat disatukan (antara aspek lahiriah dan aspek batiniyahnya). Jadi dari aspek batiniah ia memiliki kehidupan, cahaya dan kecintaan terhadap Nabi Muhammad, sedangkan dari segi lahiriah ia mengikuti perilaku (sunnah) Nabi."

Jika saya fikirkan kembali, benar juga kata penulis. Sebab dan tujuan kita meneladani sifat Rasulallah adalah untuk mendekatkan diri kita kepada Allah sebagaimana cara yang dilakukan oleh kekasih Allah sendiri. dan siapakah yang lebih layak dari itu. Untuk mendekati atau lebih disayangi seseorang, salah satu daripadanya adalah dengan mengambil hati atau mendampingi kekasihnya terlebih dahulu dan dengan begitu mudahlah kita meraih cinta yang kita idamkan. Dan didalam konteks ini meneladani apa yang dilakukan oleh Rasulallah. Jadi apa yang kita amalkan bukanlah merangkumi aspek fizikal semata-mata, malah lebih kepada konsep rohaniah.


Boring Dark Ages? ~NO WAY~

1001 inventions

Ganjaran Pujian

Tersebut dalam Sunan Ibn Majah RA bahawa Rasulallah SAW telah menceritakan kepada mereka; iaitu ada seorang hamba Allah mengucap kepujian dengan kata:-

(Ya rabbi lakalhamdu kama yam baghi li jala li wajhika wa 'azi min sulto nik)
"Wahai Tuhanku! Segala kepujian itu terpulang kepada-Mu, iaitu kepujian yang layak dengan keagungan zat-Mu dan kebesaran kuasa-Mu"

Ucapan ini telah menyulitkan dua Malaikat pencatat amalan, kedua-duanya tidak tahu bagaimana hendak menulis pahalanya lalu kedua-dua Malaikat itu mengahadap Allah dan berkata kepada-Nya: "Ada seorang hamba mengucapkan pujian yang kami tidak mengetahui bagaimana hendak menulis balasannya?" Firman Allah: (Sedangkan Dia lebih mengetahui apa yang telah diucapkan hambaNya itu) "Apakah pujian yang telah diucapkan oleh hambaKu itu?" Jawab kedua-dua Malaikat itu dia berkata: "Wahai Tuhanku! Segala kepujian itu terpulang kepada-Mu, iaitu kepujian yang layak dengan keagungan zat-Mu dan kebesaran kuasa-Mu" Firman Allah kepada kedua-duanya: "Tulislah ucapan itu sebagaimana yang diucapkan oleh hambaKu sehingga ia menemui Aku dan Akulah sendiri akan membalaskannya".


What does it mean to be a failure

What does it mean by a failure I wonder? Is it when you got FAIL in your test, then are you will be categorized as a failure? Or is it when you didnt achieve your goal, then you will be call a loser? I believe neither one of them is correct.

Failure is when you decide yourself that you are a failure. When you stop running towards your dream then you should stop and ponder, What am I doing all this while? When you lose all your hope and stop trying, then you will be considered as a failure. Bukan di mata orang lain, tapi kegagalan terhadap diri sendiri. Cause you know yourself what you have been doing all this while.

I always belief that, no one has the right to hate. Who are we to hate others. Even His Creator love him so much and blessed him with Hislove all this while. So who are we to judge. but as a human, we can only hate the bad things or bad habits in him and pitty him for not being able to see like what we see.

And that is why we need a friend. To remind us that you are priceless and cant be compared to anything in this world. A good friend is like a reflection of you. He will tell you honestlty when you are wrong, caugh you when you fell and make yu strong when you are down. Even Prophet Musa needs Prohet Harun to accompany him when we spread his message of Islam. And Rasulallah once menton:-

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) defines a good friend in these words: "He is the one whose very sight makes you remember Allah, whose conversation increases your knowledge and whose deeds remind you of the world in the Hereafter"
(Biharul Anwar, Vol.XV, p.51)

Wallahua'lam. So dont hate yourself, always appreciate everything you have cause that is the best and it happen for reason. Failure is when you stop trying and remember

39:53 SAY: “[Thus speaks God:] ‘O you servants of Mine who have transgressed against your own selves! Despair not of God’s mercy: behold, God forgives all sins - for, verily, He alone is much-forgiving, a dis­penser of grace!’ ”

And one more thing,

94:5 And, behold, with every hardship comes ease 94:6 verily, with every hardship comes ease!

Insya Allah. It is okay to be upset cause KITA ADALAH MANUSIA BIASA, just what make a different is when you decide to take another step. ~A reminder to me, myself and I~