Our hearing our sight make us ..

This is a quotation I heard from Voice of Islam (VOI) this morning; We are what we see, what we hear. I wonder how true that statement is? And I don't need to prove it by induction cause it has a direct proof from the Quran itself. All our perception and thinking are shaped from what we read and what analyze from our surrounding. All these pocession we borrowed, isn't it useless to be use in a wrong way in this limited period. Just like when we are borrowing a book from the library, we will usually maximize the usage before sending it, or else it would be wasting time of borrowing and we got nothing. Same concept applied.

Watching television have a very big impact on me. I always tend to make decision reflecting on how I see it on TV, how the people around them would be affected with that kind of decision made, and what others would feel if I act like these actress, is it nice or irritating to some people. And without realizing it, the 'perwatakan' sometimes become apart of me. And things that I read would shape my thinking view. Hmm Am I that easy to be influenced?
And what I hear does give impact on sound will be echoing in my head when I am not listening it. If I listened to an ustadz giving his talk, it will make me feel calm and close to My Creator. And if I am listening to a song, then the tempo will give a little effect on my mood; might be feeling happy or just calm.
Lets see what the Quran says about our senses and how we really should use it:-

7:179 (Asad) And most certainly have We destined for hell many of the invisible beings and men who have hearts with which they fail to grasp the truth, and eyes with which they fail to see, and ears with which they fail to hear. They are like cattle -nay, they are even less conscious of the right way: it is they, they who are the [truly] heedless!

Actually Allah had mentioned in the Quran what is the purpose of all these nikmat he gave us. How to use it in a proper way since the way we are using it does reflecting how we are. Wondering, how have I used all these belonging up till now?

Verily, We have created man from Nutfah drops of mixed semen (discharge of man and woman), in order to try him, so We made him hearer, seer. "[Al-Insan, 76:2]

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