
Last time, my dad mentioned something that I disagree. It is about memory. He said, "we choose what we want to remember". Whaattt? Well part of it must be right, but not all I gezz.

I am someone who forget things easily, especially about people. It might sound cruel though. For example, miss P was talking about a present she got from miss F whom I know really well. But, that name did not ring a bell to me (at that time). "who is miss F?" Then my friend P was like, "whaattt akak? it has ONLY been 2 weeks kot you did not meet her, takkan dah lupe kot!"
It is that easy, things like that slip of my mind..but believe me, it is not that I choose to be, but it just happen=|

So how can I agree upon that statement? Because i tend to forget. How I wish I can remember every single thing that happen to me. I am not able to tell a story vividly, because my sequence of event in my head is not complete. There are holes somewhee in between that need some patches. Huuu blame statistic who teach me to forget things from the past, because what matters is now and things you do now will affect your future. That is one of the principle we learn in time series and stochastic process.

Hmm but personally I believe that we live through our experience. just like the idiom said., experience is the best teacher:) We are shaped by our environment; our circle of friends, our parent who brought us up, and the education we getr exposed to; both rohaniah and ilmiah. All those make who you are today. I gezz all of them is part of your memiry. Sometimes, you might not realize why you are acting this way; why am I eating the way I eat now? Why do I nod when I cross the zebra line? and why do I say "hait" instead of yes? Because you are influenced by the things you have watched and listened. We might not know which part of our memory that affect our action, but it just happen. Part of it, we choose it, yup.

Hmm to me, memory is something that affect our life. we might,not be able to tell things 100% right, but we tell things that significant to us. Well, that is memory. If I forgot things, it does not mean that you are insignificant, but maybe the event is. Remind me about it, give me some clues and slowly it will come back to me. Because you are important to me, who makes who I am today. It is not that I want to, but I tend to forget. For things that will come in the future, I apologize, because I do not choose to forget, but it just slips from my mind. Guide me through, insya Allah I will find that piece of memory again.


  1. ehem, now that someone has become a subject mentioned in the writer's post. but never mind, she is allowing the writer to do that so. well, at least the writer will not have a chance to forget her ;D
    mentioning about 'we choose what we want to remember', i would say it depends. when normally people want to forget all the bad memories but they just can't because bad memories will help them for a better future and as i told you, sweet memories are good but they are kinda temporary. yes, to remember them are motivating but sometimes they make this little heart sick. sick of 'merindui' orang. sakit kan..xrase ke..okla, mungkin sesak nafas sket :(
    whichever the memories are, good or bad. they are treasure to be explored.

    with love, an 'insignificant' someone ;D

  2. This so called 'insignificant' person had leave me an early reminder pun kan on what will she do if i ever forget this piece that color my little heart:) I'll hold to that 'gigit' message =p

    and may this post remind me of that;)
