Al-Maun (Barang2 yang berguna)

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

1. Seest thou one who denies the Judgment (to come)?

2. Then such is the (man) who repulses the orphan (with harshness),

3. And encourages not the feeding of the indigent.

4. So woe to the worshippers

5. Who are neglectful of their prayers,

6. Those who (want but) to be seen (of men),

7. But refuse (to supply) (even) neighbourly needs

Surah Al-Maun merupakan surah ke 107 di dalam al-Quran yang merakamkan 1001 makna disebaliknya. Surah ini dimulakan dengan pertanyaan dan jawapannya terdapat pada ayat ke-2. mungkin jawapan ini berbeza dengan jawapan tradisional yang sering kita dengari, namun inilah hakikatnya. Mereka yang telah singgah islam dihatinya, tentu dia tidak akan bertindak demikian. Iman yang benar dalam Islam menuntut amal perbuatan untuk menyokong iman yang dilafazkan, yang digerakkan melalui hati supaya melakukak kebajikan dan memberi manfaat kepada sesama manusia yang memerlukan perhatian dan perlindungan. Ulama hadith dan fiqh berpendapat Iman ialah "bertasdiq dengan hati, iqrar dengan lidah, beramal dengan sekalian rukun" jadi nyatalah bahawa orang yang beriman hendaklah ia beramal kerana amalanlah yang membuktikan keimanannya.

Ayat ke3 dan ke4 benar-benar menyentuh hati saya. Saya tertanya-tanya adakah saya termasuk dalam golongan yang Allah sebutkan, Celakalah (Nauzubillah) Sukar untuk memperoleh kekhusyukan dalam solat. Ianya harus dipelajari secara berperingkat. Bagaimana ingin membawa hati hadir sepenuhnya ke dalam solat adalah pucuk persoalan utama. Kadang-kadang kita lupa solat yang diamalkan lima kali sehari merupakan manifestasi dari perhambaan diri kita kepada Yang Esa semata-mata. Solat seharusnya memberi kesan secara menyeluruh dalam hidup seorang muslim sebagaimana firmanNya dalam surah Al-Ankabut45 "Dan dirikanlah solat, kerana sesungguhnya solat itu melarang kamu dari segala kejahatan dan kemungkaran" Ayat inimembawa kita untuk merenung kembali sejauh mana tahap solat yang kita dirikan, adakah solat yang kita dirikan saban hari sepanjang waktu ini telah menjaga diri kita dari melakukan hal-hal yang dilarang Allah? Jika tidak, mungkin masih ada ruang-ruang yang harus kita sempurnakan. Dan bermuhasabahlah melalui ayat 3&4 ini, kerana Allah mengancam orang2 dengan kebinasaan kerana mengerjakan solat itu tanpa apa-apa ertinya dan tidak ada roh di dalamnya.

Pada ayat ke 6 pula ada menyebutkan mengenai riya iaitu salah satu perasaan yang erosakkan amal. Saidina Umar pernah berkata kepada Mu'adh bin Jabal yang sedang menangis, "kenapa engkau menangis" Jawabnya: "Kerana ada hadith yang aku telah denga dari Rasulallah yang menyatakan bahawa 'sedikit saja riya' itu adalah syirik'. Harith al-Muhasabiberkata Riya itu ada dua macam: 1.Engkau memaksudkan taat kepada manusia 2.engkau memaksudakannya kepada manusia dan kepada Allah. Kedua-duanya adalah memusnahkan amal, dan iabukanlah amal yang bersih, malah ia menipukan diri sendiri. Riya itu biasa ada pada amal. Amal itu dikerjakan untuk diperlihatkan kepada orang dan ada pula yang meninggalkan amal takut nanti dikatakan riya. Walhal padahal dia berpikir demikian, riya itu sudah mula menular dihati.

Semoga kita berusaha meningkatkan kualiti amal yang dilakukan sehari-hari. Jika tidak punahlah ibadah yang kita kerjakan selama ini dan barangkali menjadi sebagaimana salah satu hadith yang pernah disebutkan,

Dari Tsauban radhiyallahu ‘anhu, Rasululllah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda,
"Sungguh aku mengetahui beberapa kaum dari ummatku yang datang pada hari Kiamat kelak dengan membawa kebaikan-kebaikan seperti gunung Tihamah yang putih, lalu Allah jadikan kebaikan-kebaikannya tersebut seperti debu yang berterbangan, mereka itu adalah saudara-saudaramu, dari jenis kulitmu, dan mereka menjadikan malamnya sebagaimana kalian menjadikannya, akan tetapi mereka kaum yang apabila dalam keadaan sepi mereka melanggar larangan-larangan Allah.” (HR. Ibnu Majah, hadits ini dishahihkan oleh Syekh Al-Al-Bani)

[sumber rujukan tafsir fizilal (sayyid Qutub), Hadith 40 (Mustafa Abd Rahman) Dwn Pustaka Fajar]

I am Home

It feels good to breathe in your own hometown with your own people talking with language you were brought up in and eat food as freely as you want. Wagh it is one of kenikmatan hidup I guess. Alhamdulillah three weeks had passed since I first came back home. I was surrounded by my lovely family and I just love it. Everybody was there at the airport even though initially I only expect my mum, my dad, Fadhil and Izzah to be there. But I was touched with Eti effort to cancel her programme just to be home and celebrate I am coming home. Nana also make a splendid surprised when she suddenly appeared in front of me without my other family members knowing her coming back. And at last all of us are here, sitting together at the dinner table laughing that seems to be unstoppable and it feels great. Thank you everybody Umi Abah Nana Eti Fadhil and Izzah. Love you all deeply inside out. Thank You Allah for all the blessing you gave me, Alhamdulillah

Thank You ALLAH I am @ Home

What more can I say, I am extremely happy heheh. Being home bring a great pleasure. After almost a full day journey I arrived safely in Kuantan. Thank You to Kak Norly and Waea for sending my friend and I to the airport that night. And after 10 hours flight I safely arrived at a huge and a really nice airport, Changi International Airport.
Every inch of the space are use wisely for the fulfilling the passengers need. They proveide a free electronic chair massage, and from what I noticed it is from Ogawa, a famous brand indeed. and there are quite a lot of it, so I grab the opportunity to try once after 10 hours of walking around the Singapore city, or to be more specific, Kg Gelam area. It is a splendid day I had. Since we arrive early in the mornng, we already arrange for a long transit and have a look at the most busiest port country in the world. From what I could gather, there is at least 1 SHIP per MIN, and along the road to the city, we could see the ships fill in the sea. An interesting view I thought. And as I imagine in my head, it feels like walking in China since 77% of the Singapore population are Chinese where only 13% are Malay, 8% of Indian and another 2% are the peranakan and others. All these are from the overal 5million of people. It is not a big country, and thus not to be surprised that there are only 3 universities there and the most famous course available are business and Accounting. But what attract my attention is the low unemployment rate which is ONLY 3%. A huge different with what we see in Malaysia isnt it. And due to the low unemployement rate, the crime rate are almost zero, just like Brunei. Like some said, when people have job to do, they have money and have power to decide what kind of life they wanna be. they have the power to purchase and have a status in the community. At least not to be looking down by people around them. And when they have that, they feel appreciated and dont have to form such a crime. I guess it is quite true. Being APPRECIATED does play a big role in our affecting our minds and emotion condition. And I remembered a story bout a guy I read from net.
There is a guy who I could say as the truth seeker. He is seeking for the real meaning of life by comparing all the religion. And Islam is one of it that REALLY attract his attention and he really feel that this is truth he had been searching for. But he ONLY need one more assurance from the all mighty, ALLAH. And thus he is sitting in a room and only ask for ONE sign, anythin, before he make a decission to revert to Islam. And thus he wait patiently for some time. but nothing happen and he wait longer and still nothing appear. And after few moments, he flipped the QURAN and he opened the 55th surah, Ar-Rahman.

17. (He is) the Lord of the two easts (places of sunrise during early summer and early winter) and the Lord of the two wests (places of sunset during early summer and early winter).

18. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

19. He has let loosed the two seas (the salt water and the sweet) meeting together.

20. Between them is a barrier which none of them can transgress.

21. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

22. Out of them both come out pearl and coral.

23. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

24. And His are the ships going and coming in the seas, like mountains.

25. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

And he is completely stunt. Why shoul He asked for more since everything is in front. EVERYTHING. His blessings are all around, without a doubt. His Love are for all, even we sometimes forgot to do things He ask us. But still we are able to see, we are able to taste and still have the opprtunity to see this world, but still sometimes we still feel that nobody in this world love us. Nobody is ever care about us eventhough The CREATOR still providing us with everything we need. Just put things back to where we belong and Insya Allah you'll be fine.

Back to Changi airport. As I am waiting for the departure time, I walked around the airport and went upstairs as I found the sunflower garden. It is a small area but definetely a nice way of space management. Many are relaxing there enjoying the view while having the cigarattes before entering ( a bad way of fulfilling their time). And also they provide a small movie theatre, internet kiosk, MTV spot, game area, lots of cafes, duty free shops,; a variety of choises for all range of age. Maybe we should learn from them on how to manage the huge space we have at the airport. So that it brings pleasure to the passenger and the rest of people who came.

Are we developed into a calculator

I want to write something, but have no idea what I should write. emmm emmm emmme mmm emmm emmmm
what about being a calculator in higher education?
What is the difference of learning from primary school to secondary school and now at higher education? What are the difference that you can think of? Sometimes ot feels the same, doesnt ot, but maybe now the syllabus are now more in detail and the question set are tougher than before. What else?
For me, the huge difference that I could trace is WE MUST KNOW WHAT WE ARE DOING. The syllabus aren't set for you only to have the formula right on front of your eyes without knowing anything. Now you have to know where and how it is derived. We spend hours of proving theories, and how the theory exist. Sometimes I wonder, do we have to know since we would only use the already given formula in the sheet rather than showing how on earth came from. But I figured it out that it is an elementary school of thinking, isnt it? Why do we have tolearn things that are only covered in exam? Meaning that we only study for the sake of passing the course only.
I always regret if I cant answer thing that I already learn. But it is kind of normal now. If that happen, I knew that I didnt understand it by heart. But at least, if I looked at the book, and I could reflect something, I am satisfied enough. I dont to be a CALCULATOR afterwards. That is not what I want to be. And I am sure you feel the same.

How Do you take your TEST?

I was reading Quran after Zuhur, on Surah Yunus, the 10th surah in Quran and I am on the last verse before I go for Surah Hud. And the 3rd last verses really caught my eyes, He says:

وَإِنْ يَمْسَسْكَ اللَّهُ بِضُرٍّ فَلَا كَاشِفَ لَهُ إِلَّا هُوَ وَإِنْ يُرِدْكَ بِخَيْرٍ فَلَا رَادَّ لِفَضْلِهِ يُصِيبُ بِهِ مَنْ يَشَاءُ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ وَهُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيم
And [know that] if God should touch thee with misfortune, there is none who could remove it save Him; and if He intends good for thee, there is none who could turn away His bounty: He causes it to alight upon whomsoever He wills of His servants. And He alone is truly forgiving, truly a dispenser of grace. (107)
قُلْ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ قَدْ جَاءَكُمُ الْحَقُّ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ فَمَنِ اهْتَدَىٰ فَإِنَّمَا يَهْتَدِي لِنَفْسِهِ وَمَنْ ضَلَّ فَإِنَّمَا يَضِلُّ عَلَيْهَا وَمَا أَنَا عَلَيْكُمْ بِوَكِيلٍ
SAY [O Prophet]: "O mankind! The truth from your Sustainer has now come unto you. Whoever, therefore, chooses to follow the right path, follows it but for his own good; and whoever chooses to go astray, goes but astray to his own hurt. And I am not responsible for your conduct." (108)

Masya Allah. I was so blur yesterday for no reason. Everything I did, I felt wrong and empty. And for sure that is from Allah. He want me to remember Him more, more than usual. And only Him could take out the emptiness I felt, cause everything come is from Him, and only ask from Him and only Him.

And from the 108, Allah mention that the Quran is there as your guidance. So open it and seek inside. Cause Quran explain EVERYTHING.
The medicine is right here before our eyes. So what is there to be waitng? And Alhamdulillah I feel much better now. Thank You Allah

Between the 2 smiles

There are two types of smile

  1. when human in situation where they think I wamt to smile, the brain frontal cortex which deal with emotion takes delicate control over 50 or more of facial mussles to create a natural smile
  2. If you force yourself to smile, the locomotor center send the order "SMILE" to control the muscle. and since forcing action is a base action, the smile always end up loking awkward.
that is the only two major types I found in Mr Brain (EP7). It is true though, even you could feel how awkward yoour smile is and people could detect it from your eye. Hence the most beautiful smile is a smile that coming sincerely from your heart and it is reflected trough your whole face. Quite hard is it? But be Happy and it will automatically appear in your eyes.
Ogh and one more thing, when our ancestor, primates, felt something is approaching them in the jungle, they would always assume that it was an enemy and act defensively. Then in the moment they met, they would bare their fangs and punce. If they realized it wasnt an enemy, they would halt their pounce but they wouldnt have time to cover their fangs. Since leaving that would be bad, in order to show they werent hostile, they would smile. And this is the original form of smile.

Penghulu Istighfar

FIREWORKS:The sparks is in our heart regardless being high in the sky

Baru jek lepas tengok bunga api trough out my window. Sempena Diwali Festival at Viaduct Harbour (cofus: I tot the celbration should be serentak around the world. Isnt ir?). Mesmerized as always. Everytime I look at it, no matter where I am whenever I am, I always like it. My jaw would suddenly open and whispering 'waaaa'. It doesnt seem to change regardless of my growing age. I wonder why? Does human, or maybe tobe morespecific; women is easily mesmerize by something beautiful and colorful like it? just like how women love flower; adoring their wonderful colors that would make their heart blooming right away. Might be the same case here.

The sparks is in our heart regardless being high in the sky

Firaun Laut Merah dan Mumia

Sejak kecil lagi kita mendengar kisah Firaun kan. dan apa yang biasa kita bicarakan adalah mengenai kehebatan tamadun Mesir yang sejak beribu tahun lampau mampu mengawet tubuh manusia dan dipamerkan dari generasi ke generasi akan datang. Tapi kita lupa untuk mengamati kisah disebalik itu sendiri. Saya sendiri sentiasa 'blown by' that kind of fact. 'Pandainya mereka' terpahat di minda. Bahkan, ada yang mengatakan roti pertama dibuat juga adalah dari masa Firau, namun saya tidak pasti akan kesahihannya. Ini dapat dikaitkan dengan kisah ibu Nabi Musa terpaksa menyorok bayi lelakinya di dalam 'oven' ekoran gesaan Firaun untuk membunuh siapa sahaja bayi lelaki di negara itu rentetan dari mimpi ngeri yang beliau alami.

"Letakkanlah ia (Musa) di dalam peti, kemudian lemparkanlah ia ke sungai (Nil), maka pasti sungai itu membawanya ke tepi, supaya diambil oleh (Firaun) musuh-Ku dan musuhnya. Dan Aku telah melimpahkan kepadamu kasih sayang yang datang dari-Ku; dan supaya kamu diasuh di bawah pengawasan-Ku."" (Thaaha, 20: 38-39)
Mungkin oven yang dimaksudkan dalam kisah ini digunakan untuk membuat roti yang menjadi makanan ruji masyarakat arab sejak zaman berzaman. Mungkin.
Berbalik kepada kisah Firaun tadi. Firaun merupakan gelaran bagi raja atau ketua negara di sana. Sebagaimana kita dengan gelaran Sultan. Nabi Musa diutusakan untuk menyeru Firau dan masyarak Mesir untuk kembali menyembah ALLAH yang Maha Esa. Namun Firaun yang sombong malah mengaku dirinya sebagai tuhan, keras-kerasan menoloak ajakan Nabi Musa a.s. Dipendekkan cerita, pada suatu ketika, sedang mereka (pengikut N.Musa) melarikan dari tentera Fira'un, and found the dead end, Allah telah mengilhamkan Nabi Musa a.s untuk memukul Laut Merah agar menjadi laluan buat mereka menyelamatkan diri.
"Lalu Kami wahyukan kepada Musa: "Pukullah lautan itu dengan tongkatmu". Maka terbelahlah lautan itu dan tiap-tiap belahan adalah seperti gunung yang besar"(Asy-Syu'ara, 26:63)
dan laut yang luas itu terus membentuk laluan. AllahuAkbar. seperti mana ketentuan Allah, Firaun dan tenteranya dimusnahkan dengan sekelip mata. bagaimana hebatnya kuasa Allah, dan sungguh Dialah Yang Maha Berkuasa. Jika sesiapa pernah menonton The 10 Commandments mungkin mendapat gambarannya. Cuba bayangkan bagaimana Laut Merah yang lebarnya 900m dengan kepanjanga 1800m dibukakan menjadi satu jalan. Allah-Akbar. Maka Allah telah menyelamatkan jasad Firaun untuk tatapan masyarakat dunia zaman-berzaman lamanya. Namun, ramai dari kalangan kita yang hanya memiliki perasaan kagum semasa melihat sekujur jasad itu. Kagum dengan teknologi meraka. bagaimana kita pada hari ini masih dapat melihat tubuh manusia dari ribuan tahun lampau. malah ada yang menjadikannya sebagai fashion icon. Kini mumia itu ditempatkan di muzium Mesir.
Saya juga sering lupa bahawa itu adalah laknat Allah kepada Firaun yang angkuh. Apa yang lebih menyeksakan daripada mati dan tidak dikebumikan dengan sempurna, malah menjadi tatapan umum sepanjang zaman. Masih menjadi buah mulut dari hari ke hari. Kita lupa bahawa, Allah telah menyimpan sekurur jasad itu agar kita mengambil pelajaran darinya. Agar kita tidak melakukan kesilapan yang sama.
'Maka pada hari ini kami selamatkan badanmu supaya kamu dapat menjadi pelajaran
bagi orang-orang yang datang sesudahmu dan sesungguhnya kebanyakan dari manusia
lengah dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan Kami.'' (QS Yunus: 92).
Ada yang menceritakan bahawa, di saat akhir hayat Firaun, di saat nyawa telah dikerongkong, barulah dia ingin mengaku ada kuasa yang lebih hebat darinya, mengaku kewujudan Allah yang esa. Dan di saat itu pintu taubat telah tertutup, dan apa yang tinggal hanyalah kemurkaan Allah. Moga kita dijauhkan, Nauzubilah. Diceritakan, Syaitan yang dalam perjanjian dengan Allah untuk terus menghasut manusia ke hari kiamat berkata, "Sejahat aku sekalipun, aku tidak mengaku diri sebagai tuhan". (not the exact word)
Kini manusia sibuk mencari rahsia the preserved human. Dan Al-Quran yang telah membongkar rahsia mumia itu sendiri sejak seribu tahun yang lampau. Hanya dengan kemajuan sains hari ini mereka dapat mengenal pasti bahawa jasad itu iselamatkan dari laut. Ini tele dengan penemuan garam di tubuh Firaun itu. Sama-sama kita renungkan, dan berdoa agar dijauhkan dari azab di dunia dan di akhirat, Amin. Bukan sains yang mereka miliki menjadi as-sebab mumia itu masih dapat bertahan, namun kerana Allah hasa mention it clearly in Quran, namun kerana ALlah telah menjadikannya sebagai pengakaran bagi kita yang masih hidup ini.

Cute Girls @ Overseas

As demand from Nana. Here are the photos

Ina n Dilia comeyRasa comel disamping merekaComelkan mereka:D
I have this personal impression bout this category of kids hehhe How lucky they were to be brought up while their parent studying or maybe working overseas. They might leave there only for a short period, but the impact on their way of thinking and language are thigs that cant be denied. I would say majority of my friends who speak fluent english have experience leaving overseas. They might be at their young age back then, but somehow they have the confidence to speak and as a bonus, the slang to make it sounds good to ear. That might be kind of an obvious impact, but from what I see, the way they think also differ. They are more open to ideas and think even more critically. Leadership might be another advantage. Emm come to think about it, both my batchleaders in SSP and KMS are both have the same experience off leaving in UK (not to be exact). But that is only a minor effect, nothing like IF AND ONLY IF STATEMENT. Those quality could also be cultivated from our very own hardworks. Work on it like from your reading, writing, observation. All those could shapen your quality inside. but on top of it, AL-QURAN is the best method to be use to shape our personality. It is specially given by our LORD, as a manual to show and guide is in every single little thing we do. Leaving oversea might be only a small minor factor that should be accompnied by QURAN. Cause who knows best about the servant other than the maker itself

Tragedi to Ponder

Another earthquakes had striked Padang, Indonesia last Thursday. The major strong attack hit at 17:16:10 local time on 30th September at Sumatera with moment magnitude of 7.9. The second earthquake which meaured at 6.6 struck Jambi a day after Sumatera tragic day at 8:52 local time. This tragedy had attract many of the NGO and non-NGO body to lend a hand and send their rescue members. They will recover insya Allah, they are survivor, just like how they survive Tsunami half decade ago, Insya Allah. Lets flip the quran and see what it say. Lets first open the quran based on the time occurance.

  1. Al-Isra:Verse:016
    And when We decide to destroy a town (population), We (first) send a definite order (to obey Allâh and be righteous) to those among them or We (first) increase in number those of its population] who lead a life of luxury. Then, they transgress therein, and thus the word (of torment) is justified against it (them). Then We destroy it with complete destruction
  2. Al-Anfal:Verse:052 (Their way is) as the way of Pharaoh's folk and those before them; they disbelieved the revelations of Allah, and Allah took them in their sins. Lo! Allah is Strong, severe in punishment.
Subhanallah. Call it an accidence or anything. Allah-Akbar, Allah is GREAT. He could deliver a message to us in every way He wish. This might a call from Him. it just depends on us, how do we look at it. May Allah grant you with peace and be with you always.

Around Graduation


Graduation might be the proudest moment for both students and parents after few

years struggle in university. Day and night, nothing is more bothering than passing the course with flying colors. This week is the spring graduation day, and alhamdulillah I have the opportunity to be there, at the Aotea Square (a hall that university borrow to held the ceremony) to capture this precious moment with Kak Aisyah on her graduation day.
Every department has the same uniform but the only different thing is that the linen on the shoulder. Each category I would say have different way of representing themselves. Science department would wear blue, while purple for engineering and so on. What differ between undergraduates and postgarduates is the thing they put at their neck which cost additional $20, and for master student they dont have any fur on their uniform, which I think make the cloth a bit dull.
But overall, the ceremony is a grand ocassion despite of being off campus. But the highlight of the ceremony is where all the graduates walk around the city while wearing the suit in the morning and they continue to wear it for the whole day, cause this is the day to celebrate and it is an honour to wear that cloth they believe.

3rd Raya Open House

Hari Raya mood is still in the air here. People might say that it is already the 12th day of eidilfitri, but weekend is the only time we could pay a visit to our friends house after a hectic week from Monday to Friday. Today I went to two of my friends house located within 5 minutes walk. Really close right. No need to take a car or ride a bus, thats great. So we decide to pay a visit around 1 am, for killing two bird with 1 shot, heheh for both lunch and Hari Raya visit. I was mesmerized by their preparation. All five of them prepared typical Malaysian Hari Raya dish, nasi Impit, rendang and soto. All of them were yumyumyummy. What an advantage of living oversea, now we (am I included-thinking-) are able to prepare something that has never come across our mind, that kind of complicated traditional Malaysian dish, and on top of that, being able to serve almost hundreds guesses. I am completely mesmerized. And the taste is a cheff style, I just cant stop but eating. Then next, after some chit chatting we heading home and take a short rest before visiting another house.
Hehe so after a short rest for the stomach, then we continue to another house. House of tree of my batch. Another superb delicious menu served, and I cant hesitate to fill in the left empty spaces. Taking these and that, now sate was my main attention, sedapnyeeeee. Thank You my dear friend, you fulfill what I need, the need of my family's warm love. Thank You again, really appreciate it. May Allah bless you now and on every step ypu take in your life a ahead.

Di Bawah LangitMU

Di bawah langitmu
Bersujud semua
Memuji memuja asmamu
Dan bertasbih semua
Makhlukmu tunduk
Mengharap cinta dan kasihmu

Cahaya ilahi
Hangatnya Di hati
Di langkah sejuta wajah
Terbata penuh salah
Jalani sang hidup
Terluka terhempas berdosa

Hitam putih jalan hidup
Pahit getir warna dunia
Tangis tawa rasa hati
Terluka atau bahagia
Rasa bangga sementara
Setiap duka tak abadi
Semuanya wajah kan dipuji
Pada Allah kita kan kembal


bestkan iramanyai

2nd day of Eid

Now I am officially announced that last Saturday is my second day of Eid celebration. How bout the rest of the last 5 days? Ooo that day is my normal day, Eid without any celebration like wishing each other and wear something nice. So last Friday we have a celebration, Remembrance of Al-Quds that has been postponed since last August till few days ago. It was a great day. We were allowed to wear our 'baju raya' and we have a small party, not to say party but they are plenty types of biscuits served by the AJK and the retro 'hari raya' songs were played. So it was a complete Hari Raya ocassion. Then, suddenly one of us came forward (as a Palestinian) and voice out how she feel. She yelled at us, let us know how frustrated she was by our attitude. How come we could still laughing and singing even though our brothers and sisters there in Palestine still haven't rest for a moment. What more to celebrate this joyful occasion. The atmosphere now has totally change, quite, thinking, blurring. Then, the video played at the screen, showed the fate of other brother and sisters of Muslim around the world. Not only in Palestine, but also in China, Thailand, Pakistan, Africa, Bosnia. The list doesn't seem to come to an end. Just something to be think upon from Hadith 4 Hadith 13 Arabic text

Abu Hamzah Anas bin Malik, radiyallahu 'anhu, who was the servant of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, reported that the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said:

"None of you truly believes (in Allah and in His religion) until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself"

That is the theme of the day. Dalam kemeriahan kita menyambut aidilfitri, bagaimana dengan saudara kita yang tidak jemu mempertahankan maruah dan martabat agama kita. Bagaimana kita?

A price of everyday nikmat we got

A man reached 70 years of age and was affected by a disease which made him unable to urinate. The doctors told him that he needs an operation to cure the disease. He agreed to do the operation as the problem was giving him severe pain for days. When the operation was completed the doctor gave him a bill which covered all the costs. After looking at the bill, the man started crying. Upon seeing this, the doctor said, “If the cost is too high then we could make some other arrangements for you.” The old man replied, “I am not crying because of the money but I am crying because Allah (SWT) let me urinate for 70 years and HE never sent me a bill!” SubhanAllah!

And He gives you of all that you ask Him; and if you count Allah’s favors, you will not be able to number them; most surely man is very unjust, very ungrateful.
- Noble Qur’an (14:34)
Take a little pause and think for a while about the bounties of Allah Almighty within yourself. May Allah (SWT) grant us the ability to recognize His bounties and thank Him more often.

Aku Lihat

Aku lihat gunung menangis lagi,

Menghamburkan tangisan tanah tanpa henti,

Dek kerana baju hijaunya yang diregut tangan-tangan yang tidak pernah puas,

Satu demi satu baju ku hilang entah ke mana,

Hanya tangisan sepi yang mampu dihamburkan,

Namun tidak dibalas sesiapa

Aku lihat ombak mengamuk deras,

Menghentam benteng batu itu tanpa henti,

Mengapa pergerakan ku kini terbatas?

Kenapa aku tidak bisa bersua pesisir pantai kasihku yang dulu setia menemani ku,

Sentiasa ceria menerima ombak lembut ku,

Aku ingin bebas,

Dan ombak lembut ku itu kini hanya akan menjadi kenangan

Aku lihat langit berwajah suram,

Kelihatan keruh bersulam duka wajahnya,

Tiada lagi hamparan biru yang memukau pandangan mampu ku pamerkan,

Kini segala-galanya tersorok jauh di tabir kotor itu,

Indian Proverb

All flower of tomorrow,

are in the seedsof today

p/s:have a nice day, may today is a lot better than yesterday

It is normal to be sad BUT

Lâ ilâha illa Anta [none has the right to be worshiped but You (O Allâh)], Glorified (and Exalted) are You [above all that (evil) they associate with You]. Truly, I have been of the wrong-doers."[Al-Anbiya,21:87]

Prophet Yunus's story have been captured several times in Quran for us human to learn from it. And apply it in our daily life. There is nothing better than story from Quran cause this is the words from Him, The Creator, The Al-Mighty. For example, it is normal for us human to feel sad and sometimes when we are under depression we would make a wrong decision and might end up regret about it later. let say we feel depressed after having a bad exam result or maybe the result we get is not like the way we expect. Then to release the tension, we decide to go to shopping complex or to the pub or watching movies non stop without realizing that we still have other responsibility to be full fill. At the mean time me might forget that we still have assignment to be send tomorrow or forgot that we have make a promise with one of friend to teach her and etc. Then it would end up not only having a bad exam mark but also no marks for assignments and bad record with your friend. Isn't it kind of double the trouble? And Now you regret about it even more.
But DONT WORRY, event Allah's messenger make false BUT the ONLY difference is He regret about it and ask for the forgiveness right away, non stop. Just like Allah describe about Prophet Yunus (pbuh) in 37:139-148
So also was Jonah among those sent (by us). (139)
When he ran away (like slave from captivity) to the ship (fully) laden (140)
He (agreed to) cast lots, and he was condemned: (141)
Then the big Fish did swallow him, and he had done acts worthy of blame. (142)
Had it not been that he (repented and) glorified Allah, (143)
He would certainly have remained inside the Fish till the Day of Resurrection. (144)

But We cast him forth, on the naked shore in a state of sickness (145)

And We caused to grow, over him a spreading plant of the Gourd kind (146)

And We sent him (on a mission) to a hundred thousand (men) or more. (147)
And they believed; so We permitted them to enjoy (their life) for a while. (148)

Sampai kapan kelana ini?

سُوۡرَةُ الاٴنبیَاء
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
ٱقۡتَرَبَ لِلنَّاسِ حِسَابُهُمۡ وَهُمۡ فِى غَفۡلَةٍ۬ مُّعۡرِضُونَ (١)
Telah hampir datangnya kepada manusia hari perhitungan amalnya sedang mereka dalam kelalaian, tidak hiraukan persediaan baginya. )

مَا يَأۡتِيهِم مِّن ذِڪۡرٍ۬ مِّن رَّبِّهِم مُّحۡدَثٍ إِلَّا ٱسۡتَمَعُوهُ وَهُمۡ يَلۡعَبُونَ (٢)

Tidak datang kepada mereka itu sebarang peringatan yang diturunkan dari Tuhan mereka lepas satu: Satu, melainkan mereka memasang telinga mendengarnya sambil mereka mempermain-mainkannya)

bergetar hati membacakan kalimat suci ini,
risau fikiran memikirkan keadaan diri ini,
dan sungguh al-Quran itu benar, dan TIDAK ada yang benar melainkannya,
adakah kita termasuk dalam golongan ayat di atas?
satu demi satu nasihah menyapa telinga,
insan silih berganti menyampaikan pesan,
namun bagaimanakah kita,
adakah sekadar membiarkan ianya berlalu sekadar angin senja,
menyapa sebentar, dingin seketika,
kemudian hilang entah ke mana,
dan mentari pasti tenggelam di ufuk barat,
begitu juga dengan ajal kita,
pasti tiba, tanpa lengah walau sesaat jua,
namun Alhamdulillah kita masih diberi peluang,
melihat mentari naik lagi, melihat ombak memukul pantai lagi,
meneruskan sisa perjuangan hidup yang entah dimana akan terhenti,
dan insan-insan yang tersedar masih cuba membangunkan yang terlena,
tanpa jemu nasihah meniti bibir,
melafazkan kalimah menyedarkan jiwa,
dan pada hari itu mentari akan tenggelam kembali,
dan kemudian mentari muncul kembali,
peluang diberi sekali lagi,
mata bertemu mata kembali,
Namun sampai bila kita harus membiarkan ia pergi begitu saja?
sampai bila kita perlu endah tak endah akan 2nd chance itu,
entah barangkali hari esok matahari itu tidak naik lagi,
entah esok jasad tiada kekuatan untuk berdiri lagi,
kerana roh pinjaman telah diambil kembali Pencipta,
dan bagaimana kita ketika itu ?

Eid Mubarak

Ramadhan fly so fast and now Syawal is already coming. It feels awkward to leave the blessful month after a full pack priod with ibadah insya Allah.
Eid Mubaarak!

Takaballah mina wa minkum
I pray that Allah accepts all our fasting, and sujuud, and dua, and other ibaadaah, and forgives all our previous sins, and admits us to the Jannatul Firdaus. Ameen..

My fist day of Syawal isnt that bad compared to Malaysia, but the worst thing happen, I miss my Eid prayer at the mosque, Ya Allah! I was frustrated, really. But the past had past and my friends and I perform the once in a year solat at my house with few jemaah.
Then I proceed to the Forte Common Room for the Mount Street open house. We prepared maybe about 10 different dishes that normally served during this special day. Name it, and Insya Allah it is there. We expected about 200 guest from different races. Alhamdulillah, the celebration is a joyful event where everybody came to greet each other and ask for forgiveness. Pictures are taken continously, non stop, just to capture this memorable day. But that isnt me to take too much photos, hehhe kind of not my personality, it would be enough to have one or two just for memory sake.
Then realizing that I havent attend Kak Husna's open house, I 'memohon diri'. Kak Husna prepared a special dish from Terengganu, Nasi Dagang. Sounds delicious right. But I could put anymore food in ar else it will get explode. So I just take some biscuits, my favourite biscuit, biskut Suji=D Some kids there love it as well. Ogh I mean some postgraduates sons and daughters there.

Me and Headlines

Me and headlines, that is what I learn for my 2nd day of Syawal. Human works best with headlines and that is what thought by Ramadhan that just left us yesterday. Working with deadline make you an effective person and always on right track in carrying your task either in your assignment, prayer, bill payment blah..blah..blah. It makes you afraid that you haven't finish your work on time which could lead to the marks reduction or being compensate or maybe...
That is what Sahur thought me. It always hard to wake up early in the morning. Rather than having my face wash with the icy water, I would rather choose to be in my warm blanket. but when I know that I HAVE to take my sahur before 5.00am for example I would definitely wake up to fill my stomach with something even it is hard to chew something that early. but now, i know even the azan already sound from my laptop, even the alarm of high beat sound ringing, i still n my bed. Knowing that i still have a couple of minutes before subuh come to an end. BAD BAD BAD.
If I can do it then, why cant I do it now, right? Human can do anything, especially when they have the target in their head, in their mind. So have your aim, and work for it.

Between races

I am currently enrolling STATS 370, a financial mathematics course. This course is mainly taken byvChinese where I could only spot few heads with blond hair. Maybe in terms of percentage 80% Chinese, 8% Malay, 5% Indians and the rest are Whites. That is what I assume. Maybe because this is a a curse where most of the students have financial background; a famous course among Chinese. These percentage has actually bring a difference atmosphere in the class. This is from what I observe. A class where hugely populated by Asians (including us) would make the atmosphere kind of blur or passive maybe. Asians hardly ask questions in class or maybe 'bersikap lebih menerima'. Just listen to what the lecturer said and put everything in my mind. Where whites in general would normally raise up their hand and ask question on the spot. That is what I see in MATHS 361 last semester. Student wo normally corrected the lecturer are whites and I could see from the question they brought up in class actually show that their brain is working and they are thinking from many point of view; apart from what we discussed in class. But maybe this is just an observation only

The night of POWER

The term Lailatul Qadar is made of two words. In Arabic, Lailat means night and Qadr means honour and dignity. Therefore, the term Lailatul Qadr refers to the night of honour and dignity. It is this night in which the first Divine Revelation came to the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam, when he was in meditation and prayer in the Cave of Hira’. Since this night enjoys the honour of having the first revelation brought to the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam, it has been named Lailatul Qadr.
The Qur’an is peace in itself. It distinguishes between the good and evil and shows to the way of peace and the eternal joy for all humanity. Being this thus, the night in which this Divine Book was sent down is worthy of great esteem. The Qur’an says:

“Surely We revealed it [the Holy Quran] on the grandest night. And what will make you comprehend what the grandest night. The grandest night is better than a thousand months. The angels and Gabriel descend in it by the permission of their Lord for every affair. Peace onto it until the break of the morning.” (97:1-5)

In the Hadith, we have been asked to seek it in the last ten nights of the month of Ramadhaan. A’ishah radhiyallahu anhaa narrates that the Messenger of Allah sallalahu alayhi wasallam has said:

“Seek the night of Dignity in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadhan.” (reported by Bukhari)

By odd nights, the reference is made to the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th night of the month of Ramadhaan, some said most likely to be the 27th. No one night has been fixed so that the yearning to find it may increase and people may spend more nights in worshiping Allah. From this aspect, the importance of `Itikaaf (seclusion) during the last ten days of Ramadhaan is clear.

As the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam was reported to have said:

“The person who offered prayers to Allah in the night of Dignity with faith and with hope of reward from Allah, all his past sins have been forgiven.” (reported by Bukhari)

This is one of the holiest and most blessed nights. The reward of worship on this night is better than the worship of a thousand months of worship, equivalent to a person’s lifetime. So, on this night one should perform the night prayers, recite the Qura’n, do tasbih, zikr and du’as as much as possible.

Spring is in the air

Winter sudah melabuhkan tirai dan musim bunga kini menunggu giliran. Bunga-bunga comel kini mula berkembang mekar, warna-warni di setiap sudut. Jadi apa lagi, kami mengambil peluang ke Albert Park (the nearest park to my house) Bergambar lagi, menambahkan koleksi memberatkan komputer huhu..But it is not for nothing tau! Mengingatkan diri akan indahnya ciptaan Ilahi dan remember Allah tidak menciptakan Alam ini dengan sia-sia. Segalanya untuk manusia berfikir, Insya Allah.
“ Maka apakah kamu mengira , bahawa sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu secara main main( sesaja) dan bahwa kamu tidak akan dikembalikan kepada kami? Maka Maha Tinggi Allah, Raja Yang Sebenarnya , tidak ada Tuhan selain Dia , Tuhan ( yang mempunyai ) ‘Arasy yang mulia” ( Surah Al-Mukminun ayat 115~116)

Sunnatullahnya setiap yang hidup akan mati dan akan dihidupkan semula seperti bebunga yang dulunya mekar di kala matahari bersinar gemilang. Namun yang indah itu tidak kekal lama, tiba ketikanya, ia akan berakhir dan musim gugur akan tiba melenyapkan segala warna dan bila tiba waktunya kedinginan akan mengetuk segenap ruang dan tika itulah segala yang hidup akan mati. Bunga kini tiada lagi dan yang tinggal hanyalah dahan-dahan kering tak berdaun. Meskipun begitu, selepas waktu yang ditetapkan, bunga-bunga akan berputik kembali seolah-olah diberi peluang kedua. Dan itu tidak susah bagi Allah. Menghidupkan makhluk yang mati sebelumnya dimusim dingin lalu. Sebegitulah halnya manusia, hidup yang seketika ini hanyalah pinjaman, dan MATI itu pasti. Di alam barzakh bagaikan musim dingin, waktu penantian dihidupkan kembali ditemani soalan Mungkar dan Nankir. Moga dijaukan dari azab kubur ya Allah dan hanya amalan kita ketika itu. Al-Quran menjadi peneman, Ilmu yang ditinggalkan dinanti membuahkan hasil dan doa anak-anak yang soleh ditunggu penuh harap. Ya Allah selamatkanlah kami. Dan bila tiba waktu yang telah ditetapkan kita akan menemui Ilahi dan tika itulah segala nasib kita ditentukan. Nilai pinjamanNya ditentukan, "Berbaloikan aku meminjamkan kehidupan itu kepadamu?"Dan bagi yang menerima kitab amalannya dari arah kanan akan berbahagia, Amin. Sama-sama kita beristighfar regardless apa yang telah kita lakukan di masa lampau. Kerna Allah itu MAHA PENGAMPUN.
“ Dan orang-orang yang apabila melakukan perbuatan kejinya atau menzalimi diri mereka sendiri, tiba-tiba mereka teringatkan Allah, mereka terus memohon ampunterhadap dosa mereka dan siapakah lagi yang dapat mengampunkan dosa-dosa mereka selain Allah? Dan mereka tidak meneruskan perbuatan keji itu sedang mereka mengetahui . Balasannya ialah kemapunan Allah dari tuhan mereka .”(surah Al-Imran Ayat 135)
Semoga Musim ini akan menghasilkan bunga-bunga indah dalam diri kita semua.

Panjat2 Time

Teringat zaman dulu-dulu. Saat balik kampung adalah saat yang dinanti-nantikan. Tiap hari tiap saat kami adik beradik akan mengitung waktu. Senyuman sepupu-sepupu bersama keleteh masing-masing mula menerpa memori. Satu demi satu mula menjengah minda, mengetuk-ngetuk hati menerbitkan senyuman dibibir. Agh Rindunya. Apabala tiba saatnya kami tiba di kampung, tangan tok ayah, mek dan sesiapa yang berada di rumah di salam mesra. Melepaskan rindu di dada. Di masa lalu, kami terus 'cabut' menuju ke rumah pakcik yang berdekatan, mencari 'gang' lama. Wagh seronoknya! Kemudian pelbagai aktiviti dirancang. Dari memanjat pokok, masuk sawah, ronda keliling kampung, main jual-jual, and the list goes on. Indahnya masa lalu kan. Seandainya ia datang kembali, mahukah anda? Hehehe jika dulu saya akan mengatakan YA! Siapa mahu menolak jika dapat kembali ke zaman riang-ria seperti itu?

Tapi kini, mungkin sudah berubah sikit. Kenapa kita ingin kembali kerana tanpa masa lalu mungkin kita tidak boleh menjadi seperti sekarang? Bak kata movie Yaadein, "Kata-kata mungkin hilang, But memory will remain" And betulkan=D Kenangan masa lalu lah yang akan menentukan siapa diri kita. Jika dulu kita rapat dengan sepupu sekeliling, mungkin ia membetuk diri kita menjadi orang yang pandai bergaul, jika dulu kita suka try everything jika ada peluang, mungkin anda adalah orang yang adventurous kini, jika dulu anda sering jadi main doktor-doktor, mungkin anda akan menjadi seorang bertitle sedemikian selepas ini dan that quality telah tertanam dalam diri. Mungkin, Insya Allah.
Kerana masa lalu penentu masa kini, namun masa kini tidak akan menentukan siapa anda pada masa depan.

Being Yourself

"Kita mungkin tak boleh jadi orang lain
tapi kita boleh jadi
lebih baik

Siapa Setuju? Angkat tangan? hehhe Ramai orang yang ingin berubah tapi risau dilabel hipokrit bukan. Hal yang sering berlaku dan alasan yang sering digunapakai. Mungkin ada benarnya. Namun sejauh mana 'validity' of that alasan? Bagi saya, alasan itu kalau kalau boleh digunakan pn hanya 5%. Alasan yang terlalu lemah untuk digunakan. Kenapa risau untuk berubah? kadangkala kita terlalu concern dengan pandangan orang lain. Risau dengan imej kita dikaca mata orang lain. Saranan saya, perasaan itu perlu ditolak ketepi. (Nasihat untuk diri sendiri juga) Perubahan bukanlah perlu berlaku sekali gus, dari 0 ke kesempurnaan, 1. Namun ia ada nilai perpuluhan diantaranya 0.1, 0.2, 0.3. Jadi berubahlah mengikut skala. Dari titik ke titik. Malah diantara nilai tersebut, ada nilai yang lebih kecil lagi diantaranya seperti 0.105, 0.157. jadi kita yang menentukan sejauh mana kita ingin berubah. Mungkin sedikit demi sedikit dengan skala 0.1 atau mungkin 0.05. Kita yang menentukan ukurannya kerana kita yang ingin berubah. Dan tiada siapa yang lebih mengetahui diri kita melainkan Yang Esa dan empunya diri. Be yourself, Dont be others. We might not be able to be a completely diferent person, but we can always improve ourself, so plot your own graph=>

Abu Dhar Jundub bin Junadah and Abu Abdul Rahman Mu’adh bin Jabal, radiyallahu anhuma, reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said:

“Fear Allah wherever you may be; follow up an evil deed with a good one which will wipe (the former) out, and behave good-naturedly towards people.”

[Al-Tirmidhi relates it, saying: It is a good (hasan) Tradition. In some copies he says: It is a good and genuine (hasan and sahih) Hadith.]

Hebatnya Ramadhan

Abu Hurairah ra. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Umatku telah dikurniakan dengan lima perkara yang istimewa yang belum pernah diberikan kepada sesiapa pun sebelum mereka. Bau mulut daripada seorang Islam yang berpuasa adalah terlebih harum di sisi Allah daripada bau haruman kasturi. Ikan-ikan di lautan memohon istighfar (keampunan) ke atas mereka sehinggalah mereka berbuka puasa".

Allah mempersiapkan serta menghiasi jannah yang khas setiap hari dan kemudian berfirman kepadanya: "Masanya telah hampir tiba bilamana hamba-hambaKu yang taat akan meninggalkan segala halangan-halangan yang besar (di dunia) dan akan mendatangimu."

Pada bulan ini syaitan-syaitan yang durjana dirantaikan supaya tidak menggoda mereka ke arah maksiat-maksiat yang biasa mereka lakukan pada bulan-bulan selain Ramadhan. Pada malam terakhir Ramadhan (orang-orang yang berpuasa ini) akan diampunkan." Maka sahabat-sahabat Rasulullah SAW pun bertanya: "Wahai Pesuruh Allah, adakah itu malam lailatul Qadar?" Dijawab oleh Rasulullah SAW: "Tidak, tetapi selayaknya seorang yang beramal itu diberi balasan setelah menyempurnakan tugasnya."

A perfect 1 ramadhan

A Perfect Scenery for our first Ramadhan. This picture was taken after we have our Sahur. Subhanallah, hebatnya.

عن انس رضى الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم تسحروا فان فى سحور بركة

Dari Anas r.a katanya Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Bersahurlah kamu, kerana bersahur itu mengandungi berkat.” (Sahih Bukhari: 952)

A non muslim always wonder how can we survive a day without food and water. One of the secret is SAHUR. Muslim would wake up early in the morning and have some food for 'alas perut' just to prepare your stomach and provide you energy to go trough mainly 13hours. MasyaAllah, Islam is designed in a perfect way, cause the only the DESIGNER know what is best for HIS creation. But what is the perfect time for Sahur? And to answer that, we have a perfect real life example, Rasulallah S.A.W.

عن زيد بن ثابت رضى الله عنه قال تسحرنا مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ثم قمنا الى اصلاة قلت كم كان قدرما بينهما قال خمسين آية

Dari Anas r.a dari Zaid bin Tsabit r.a katanya: “Kami pernah makan sahur bersama-sama Rasulullah s.a.w. Tidak berapa lama kemudian kami pergi solat.” Tanya Anas, “Kira-kira berapa lama jaraknya antara waktu makan sahur dengan solat?” Jawab Zaid, “Kira-kira selama membaca 50 ayat”.(Sahih Bukhari: 950)

And what is the best food to have? Again, for this question, Rasulallah had answere it for us,

Dari Rasulullah s.a.w : “ Sebaik-baik makanan sahur bagi orang mukmin adalah tamar”. [HR Ibnu Hibban dan Baihaqi]

May this year would be the best for us cause we never knew whether we could meet Ramadhan again next year. Chaiyyok Chaiyyok!!

A nearly perfect lecturer of mine

This semester I am engaged with a new lecturer that I admire so much. She has 24 hours smile on her face. MasyaAllah, how can someone be so generous with smile. I always admire this type of person since I definetely not in this group. I always entitled with sour face, or 'kedekut senyum' type. Hehehe I do realize long time ago, since ages I believe heheh yet I still didnt do the Hijrah. Kind of hard, believe me. Oooppss I am out of the topic now. OK, this teacher of mine teach me STATS210; dealing with probability stuff=D
I remember during our first tutorial, maybe about a month ago. She tried to remember our name. You can imagine how she struggle to spell out our name and pronounce it in a right way, but she manage to do it. So she try to memorize it and promise she'l get it right next week. Hence seven days afterwards, on the next tutorial session she again approach us. At that moment I sat beside a friend of mine name ain, just like last week. Then, while closing her eyes and pointing her finger on us she really tried to recall our name. Without the paper. Can you imagine how enthusiastic she was. It is so much FUN when people try to remember you, dont you think? But instead of calling ain Nurul, she mentioned fatihah. we just scream (slowly of course) NO! and within second now she already sitting on the floor with her reddish face. Blushing! Ya Allah, I never find a teacher like her. She definetely frustrated for not being able to recall our name. SHe balame herself and promise to get it right next week. And as promised, She could say it like it is already in her fingertips=D Wonderful isnt she?

I wonder hehhe Thats people. You have so may ways to attract them and one of them is REMEMBERING their name. You will feel appreciated when being call with your name. And I believe everyone feel the same cause we are created from the same GOD, from the same soil and thus we definetely have the same fitrah.
A teacher who are close to their student would definetely make the student enjoy their learning and the student would have no hesitate at all when any problem arises. So lets change our culture of teacher should be fierce or whatsoeva to gain respect. It doesnt work ou that way, isnt it?

Lunch with Iraqi

We had a GREAT lunch last saturday. Ay you know, Arabs are well known with their hospitality. So the situation are exactly similar to what we experience when we visited a Fiji house last year. The lady standing at the most left name Khabba if I'm not mistaken, she cooked everything tyou see in the picture below. The BBQ chicken, lamb, lasgnia, salad with humus served with the rice cooked with prawns and mushroom. It was INCREDIBLE. I was mesmerized by just looking at the dishes prepare. WOW! Subhanallah. They really adapt what Rasulallah say:-
Abu Hurairah, radiyallahu 'anhu, reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said:

"Let whosoever believes in Allah and in the Last Day either speak good or be silent. Let whosoever believes in Allah and in the Last Day honour his neighbour. Let whosoever believes in Allah and in the Last Day honour his guest."

[Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

After the big lunch we had, then she had another surprise. A birthday cake for Kak Mas who celebrated her birthdays 2 days before. So after singing the cliche birthday song, then I enjoy the cake that I has longing to eat for a long time, (I suppose) hehhe A choclate cake with cream on top make by someone at the bakery shop. It is fantastic! I especially like the cream hehhe
Few information collected from the chatting we had (afraid I might forget if I didnt write it down)
  • for a pregnant women, you might want to try to drink milk and eat some nuts if you intended to breast feed your baby
  • They have a better life after Saddam Hussein died in the sense that they can visit their parents home more or in short MUCH HAPPY (i dont really understand this matter of politics)
  • The lamb in Iraq has no or less fat compared to NZ lamb. Maybe because of the shape of the lamb. There in Iraq and Kazakhstan as well, they have a sheep that have bigger size at the back which said that all the fat collected there=D
  • The lamb are marinated with some soy sauce, garlic, lime and keep overnight, then just let the oven finish the job
  • Humus is made with the 'kacang kuda', they love pickel (jeruk) but neither of us have it in our plate
  • All the big plates are used in theur serving
  • the house property in NZ is seriously high! A house with 3 bedrooms cost about 300K and she stil think that it is small
  • what else?
But it is a really great time. I cant forget kak Aisyah's expression when having the lamb. She looks tremendously happy with the dish. She mentioned it just like what she have at her home, home style cook. I wish to imitate their great hospitality cause that is what Islam had taught us. or a nearby example, MY UMI=> need to learn from her hehhe

Terkedu saya

pesan Imam Ghazali: “Carilah hatimu di tiga tempat… Temui hatimu sewaktu bangun membaca Al Quran. Tetapi jika tidak kau temui, carilah hatimu ketika mengerjakan solat. Jika tidak kau temui juga, kau carilah hatimu ketika duduk tafakkur mengingati mati. Jika kau tidak temui juga, maka berdoalah kepada Allah, pinta hati yang baru kerana hakikatnya pada ketika itu kau tidak mempunyai hati!”

Meet the Abo

I miss every single moment when I was in Aussie. This was taken at the Darling Harbour where the centre of tourist attraction, close to both Harbour Bridge and The Sydney Opera House. And here I am with one of Australia's local abroginal. How do you feel looking at it? Put yourself in their shoes. My judgement here maybe purely on my observation, without any background knowledge. So I might be wrong. Looking at them I feel sad. I dont know. But I feel like they have been used by some people to gain profit for their own sake. Standing there, in a group of four; they paint themself with white and wear nothing as in they are in Malaysia. It is windy and on top of that, it is in the middle of winter. Aren't they feel cold? Maybe they're used to it, maybe. Then they sit and play some local instrument. I forgot what it is called, maybe Didgeridoo. It is a very long instrument made by wod and produce a unique sound when people blow it up. Then if anyone are interested for photos, they are more than welcome to do so. Just like us. BUT playing only is OK, so I think; but I dont know why there are a white man standing there, keep starring while selling their(abroginal) album. And he is the one who is holding the money. Feel like the so called manager is taking adavantage upon his abroginal 'friend'. Maybe I am wrong, but that is how I see it. Being use by other, for their own sake. For MONEY. Or maybe I am making a wrong judgement. Maybe they need someone to manage them in order to get some attraction from the foreigner. Maybe he is the one who are able to make them confident to bring them forward and be proud of the culture thy heritage from their ancestors. But still, MAYBE. The answer I have still not dominant enough to erase my perception of being exploited.

Swine Flue

Demam Khinzir yang telah melanda Malaysia baru-baru ini telah mendapat perhatian pelbagai pihak. Dalam masa beberapa hari, jumlah kematioan meningkat mendadak tanpa sebarang logical answer. Sedangkan saya di New Zealand, alhamdulillah masih diperingkat selamat. Tidak sangka Malaysia yang pada mulanya tenang kini dilanda masalah runcing ini. Ekoran itu, rata-rata Institut Pengajian Tinggi ditutup dan pelajar-pelajar dibenarkan pulang. Namun adakah ini penyelesaiannya?
sedikit perkongsian dari saya. New Zealand juga pada mulanaya hangat dengan isu ini beberapa bulan lepas. Namun alhamdulillah dapat ditangani dengan bijak.

  • Selepas berita ini, kebanyakan atau mungkin boleh saya katakan semua farmasi/doktor membekalkan vitamin C atau beberapa jenis vitamin yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkat sistem imunisasi badan.
  • Farmasi juga menyediakan set penjagaan diri khusus untuk H1N1 yang terdiri daripada sanitizer, mask, sarung tangan plastik, dan tisu.
    • Sanitizer digunakan sepanjang masa untuk membunuh kuman. Ia adalah sejenis jel yang boleh dipakai pada bila-bila masa seperti menggantikan air untuk membasuh tangan. Namu pastikan tangan anda benar-benar kering sebelum makan.
  • Penggunaan mask kurang ditekankan disini. Apa yang penting adalah menutup mulut anda dengan sebarang material. Mungkin menggunakan tudung atau sapu tangan sendiri.
  • Elakkan dari menghampiri 'crowded places' kerana anda tidak mengetahui kondusi kesihatan orang disebelah anda. Dan beradalah pada jarak selamat iaitu 1 meter jauh; kerana ini adalah jarak kuman sukar merebak dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain. Kerana penyakit ini hanya akan berjangkit apabila berlakunya 'fluid transfer', jadi berhati-hati
  • sehelai tisu hanya digunakan sekali!
Semoga sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu.

Do I really learn

Do I I really learn? I wonder.
Do I really understand?
Do I really know how to solve it?
;without being told what I am suppose to do?

If I am NOT,
does it mean that I LEARN nothing?
Doest it mean I am wasting my time learning for nothing
If I am NOT
Does it mean that everything being told is just like a wind?
come and go,
without leaving any trace behind
If anyone ask, have you LEARN this?
Yup, I once heard about it
But what is it all about?
I wonder myself

I believe this not the way how it should be
I knew I am not suppose to be this way,

Still wondering,
Trying to wraping everything in my memory,
Immersing myself in this,
Cause this is the path I chose
I'll face the new generation
(Insya ALLAH)
with the new atmosphere I am trying to bring
For them to know more What we are here for,
What we are suppose to be
This is the 'alat' that Allah fated me to
And I am trying
To really LEARN all these
SO that I will be a valuable asset for the Ummah
Insya Allah

Sebelum Mata terlena

From Anas, radiyallahu 'anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, say:

"Allah the Almighty has said: 'O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me, and hope in Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds in the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I shall forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with an earthful of sins and were you then to face Me, without having associated anything with Me, I shall grant you an earthful of pardon.'"

[Recorded by Al-Tirmidhi, who said that it is a good and sound hadith]

Nur Kasih

Currently addicted to Nur Kasih. Sangat-sangat menarik jalan penceritaannya dan apa yang paling menambat hati adalah penghayatan watak pelakon-pelakon muda ini. Jalan ceritanya juga banyak menerapkan unsur-unsur islam disamping memberi pengajaran kepada para penonton. Saya tertarik dengat dialog Adam, "Kita memang tak boleh jadi orang lain (hipokrit), tapi kita boleh jadi yang lebih baik" manakala abangnya pula pernah berkata, "abang tahu, perbuatan tak menghalalkan cara"

Nur Kasih=D

Drama hebat ini dijangka tamat siarannya selepas Syawal nanti dengan jumplah 24 episod. Pada minggu ini, dengan tersiarnya episod 11 bermakna cerita ini sudah diperingkat klimaks. Tidak sabar menantikan episod akan datang.

Heart in the Quran

Do you think that we had use the heart given correctly? Have we fully capitalize the nikmat given? Rasulallah mention:

On the authority of Abu 'Abdullah al-Nu'man bin Bashir, radiyallahu 'anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, say:

"Truly, what is lawful is evident, and what is unlawful is evident, and in between the two are matters which are doubtful which many people do not know. He who guards against doubtful things keeps his religion and honour blameless, and he who indulges in doubtful things indulges in fact in unlawful things, just as a shepherd who pastures his flock round a preserve will soon pasture them in it. Beware, every king has a preserve, and the things Allah has declared unlawful are His preserves. Beware, in the body there is a flesh; if it is sound, the whole body is sound, and if it is corrupt, the whole body is corrupt, and behold, it is the heart."[Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

Jika baik hati itu maka baiklah seluruh jasadnya=D
Some says, our behaviour would portray our heart condition. A good person, have a good heart. That is the basic idea. A normal scenario in our community,
"Alaahh, diorang yang pakai tudung pun perangai lagi buruk"
What do you think? I am still thinking a perfect answer to give myself. But I believe, it is not that tudung that will determine whether you are a good person or not. But when you have your hijab on, meaning that you have obey Allah's word, Allah's rule. And I believe that is the most important.
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا ادْخُلُوا فِي السِّلْمِ كَافَّةً وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا خُطُوَاتِ الشَّيْطَانِ إِنَّهُ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ مُبِينٌ
O ye who believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowed enemy.[2:208]

So we cant choose. Ok in this part(let say solah) I would like to follow Islam's rule, while in this (let say hijab) I dont want to. It totally against the ayat. And to be highlighted, Allah stress in the ayah, "O ye who believe (Wahai orang2 yang beriman)" and who is it? Isnt it us?
And about behaviour, it is actually the reflection of your heart. With a good hear, secara fitrahnya you would have a good manner.
"And certainly We have created for hell many of the jinn and the men; they have hearts with which they do not understand, and they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear; they are as cattle, nay, they are in worse errors; these are the heedless ones."[7:179]

Allah regard heart is to be use to understand His words(quran), ears to listen to His command(ayat2 quran)

and eyes to see His greatness from His creatures. And have we full fill the 'hak of our pancaindera'? It is a great organ gifted to us but what have we use it for? A tazkirah for the person who write as well, Me Myself. There are so much more dalil in quran bout heart. maybe you could browse here for more information.Check our heart=D
Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal.