Now it has been 10 days past since Ramadhan started last week. How fast time flies and my class will restart again in 3 days. But that is not the main point here. I would like to talk bout a special solat, in a fact a very special one since we can only do it now, in Ramadhan yang penuh berkat ini.
It has been 10 days I perform my isya and terawikh prayer at my house with my friends (my house was use as a surau since the surau available here is too small to memuatkan all jemaah perempuan). But last night i have an opportunity of having it in a normal way, with a man imam. I kind of feeling happy bout that. Not that I am complaining that I dont like ti have a sister to be an imam, but i like it more if a man is the imam i followed. It kind of different I think. But I dont know the actual reason for that.
"Laki-laki itu pelindung bagi perempuan (isteri) kerana Allah telah melebihkan sebahagian mereka (lelaki) atas sebahagian yang lain (perempuan), dan kerana mereka (lelaki) telah memberi nafkah dari hartanya. Maka perempuan-perempuan yang soleh, adalah mereka yang taat (kepada Alla) dan menjaga diri ketika (suaminya) tidak ada, kerana Allah telah menjaga (mereka)...."[An-Nisa,4:34]
A man become an imam is kind of fitrah I think. We knew that man is a leader which is imam on the other words. We will feel more secure to have man in a group. That is what my mum would say, "it feels different if a man is around, even we knew that *%# is still small and we cant rely much on him, but it does make the difference because he is a man." Emm maybe, man is a real leader.
Than looking back at certain things, man will be much better that women in many aspects. For example, even cooking is sinonime with women, but still men will be better in it. Example, look at how many top women cheff we have in Malaysia? you would still have free fingers with no name on it (tak sampai 10 pun kot yang dikenali ramai), but for men we have Cheff Wan, Cheff Ismail, Cheff ........ and the list goes on. Still men is over women.
"Dan Janganlah kamu iri hati terhadap karunia yang telah dilebihkan Allah kepada sebahagian kamu atas sebahagian yg lain. (Karena) bagi lelaki ada bahagian dari apa yang mereka ushakan, dan bagi perempuan (pun) ada bahagian dari apa yang mereka usahakan. Mohonlah kepada Allah sebahagian dari karunia-Nya. Sungguh ALlah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu"[An-Nisa,4:32]
That is for women's regular routine and men is ahead, so whats more on men experts area. What more you can expect?? Especially engineering. The name to be put on list is infinity. Even in job perspects, when it comes to engineering stuff, people would prefer to hire men rather than women. They learn the same thing but they have different qualities especially in terms of scill and technique. I realise it when I study physics back in KMS. I was in a group with a guy hand few girls. But somehow when it comes to problem solving, he would see things more than us women did. Buy the time he get the real picture of the problems, my friend and I still garu kepala; wondering what the question is all about. Amazing isnt it? But yup guy have that ability of thinking and imagination.
Hebatnya manusia bergelar lelaki yang diciptakan ALlah. But back to al-quran dan Islam, Allah tidak membezakan antara lelaki dan perempuan. Cuma yang membezakan mereka adalah amal dan taqwa. Allah itu Maha Adil
"Barangsiapa mengerjakan kebajikan, baik lelaki mahupun perempuan dalam keadaan beriman, maka mereka pasti akan Kami berikan kepadanya kehidupan yang baik dan Kami Beri balasan dengan pahala yang lebih baik dari apa yang mereka telah kerjakan"[An-Nahl,16:97]