Adam, Eve and Satan

The Greatest memory Have

Highland Tower and Bukit Antarabangsa

Taksziah saya ucapkan buat mangsa-mangsa dalam kejadian tanah runtuh yang menimpa Bukit Antarabangsa. Semoga mereka dibeiri ketabahan untuk menghadapi ujian Allah ini dan semoga kita mengambil pelajaran daripada kejadian yang menimpa ini.

Namun janganlah kita menuding jari menyalahkan satu sama lain kerana setiap orang ada melakukan kesilapan. Kita mungkin tidak mengambil pengajaran daripada tragedy Highland Towers yang berlaku lebih 13tahun yang lalu. Pihak kerajaan juga mengambil enteng hal pembangunan di lereng bukit dan kita sebagai anggota masyarakat juga lupa bahawa lokasi kediaman yang dianggap mewah dilereng bukit seperti itu mungkin mampu mengancam nyawa.

“Dan kenanglah ketika Allah menjadikan kamu khalifah-khalifah sesudah kaum ‘Aad dan di tempatkannya kamu di muka bumi (dgn diberi kemudahan) untuk kamu mendirikan istana-istana di tanahnya yang rata, dan kamu memahat gunung-ganangya untuk dijadikan rumah. Maka kenanglah nikmat-nikmat Allah itu dan janganlah kamu bermaharajalela melakukan kerosakan di muka bumi”

[Surah Al-A’raf,7:74]

Namun, ambillah ini sebagai pelajaran di masa akan datang. Sesungguhnya apa yang terjadi ini adalah suratan yang MAha Esa.

“Tidak ada sesuatu kesusahan (atau bala bencana) yang ditimpakan di bumi, dan tidak juga yang menimpa diri kamu, melainkan telah sedia ada di dalam Kitab (pengetahuan Kami) sebelum Kami menjadikannya; sesungguhnya mengadakan yang demikian itu adalah mudah bagi Allah”

[Surah Al-Hadid,57:22]

What does modernization mean if?

The Last Samurai

Coffee Prince

Another Korean drama I watched after being recommended by many of my friends and my sister. It is a typical Korean drama where you could guest the story line but they have their own specialty. I cant stop myself smiling looking at each scene, all of the scene are so sweet. Romantic, yeah I could say so. In this story, Eun Chae pretend to be a man for the sake of his family, but unfortunately she fall in love with his own manager. But since he didn’t know that Eun Chae is a woman, he decided to be a pet bro at first and towards the end he can’t bare it anymore and thus he decided to take the risk to be a lover. And the rest of the story, you have to discover it yourself. But I promised you it is a sweet and romantic story. All the characters have successfully brought up their character especially the main actress Eun Chae.

In this drama, I could see the coffee art and I have no idea that there is a specific test to be a barista; a person who is expert in coffee. I was mesmerized to see how Eun Chae decorates the coffee with fern and other interesting shape. There is also specific temperature for the milk and the coffee boil so that it does not demolish the real taste of the coffee and there is also a specific way to pour in the coffee into the cup. You must move your shoulder and not your arm. So no wonder there is a specific test for them and it is not an easy task like we normally imagine.

I'm Sorry I love you

Sometimes it doesnt work that way


Dan apabila hamba-hamba Ku bertanya kepadamu (MUhammad) tentang Aku, maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat. Aku kabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila dia berdoa kepada Ku. Hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi (perintah Ku) dan beriman kepada Ku, agar mereka memperoleh kebenaran. [Al-Baqarah,2:186

ingatlah padaKU

Trailer Budak Kelantan

A friend of mine gave me this link to this trailer. I was shocked to find out a producer that is brave enough to produce this movie. From the title itself I wonder if it would attract other people to watch it other than Kelantanese ourselves. A clap to the producer, at first I thought.

But after I watched it, I have a different opinion. How on earth this kind of movie would benifit the industry? and on top of that, Kelantanese ourselves who 'terkena tempiasnya'. From what I understand, there is a pair of best friend who lived in KL. They met again after years but now both of them are on different track. They have diferent life, one of them is a good guy or I would say 'orang masjid' and the other one chose to be bapak ayam. Only on the early years of staying in KL he has a good work, but soon he chose an easier way to get money, through women.

The trailer had ruined my good first impression about it. I wonder what the author is thinking of. Do they see the Kelantanese as a person who is easily change after they migrate? And do he think that a person in Kelantan only good because they are inside it and not exposed to other culture. and when they stepped out to see the real world, they would have culture shock? Is that what they are thinking of?

Kind of hard for me to accept that. But that is how other people potray Kelantanese. I see that and I hear about it. But why it is hard for me to accept that? But that is not the truth. Not 100% correct. I could see Kelantanese ara all around Malaysia, no matter where you go, you would easily find a Kelantan stall and whats more a Kelantanese right. Same thing applied when you enter any higher education instituition. You would find people speaking Kelantan dialect everywhere, and I always mesmerized by the way the true Kelantanese speak ( I am excluded, most of them called me Kelantan celup after all). Very polite and how could they speak with thatlow tone. We are everywhere and no wonder KB would be pack during Hari Raya and in return KL would be empty and you would sleep on the street if you wish to. See, that means Kelantanese are educated and have a good profession.

But maybe some of them take a wrong step and ruined the Kelantanese image. I might be biased in puting these. But that is how I potray a kelantanese, we are educated, have a good manners, and have a good quality. That is in general. Why dont this movie show our great culture like diversity range of food we have, they way the true Kelantanese talk and some other cultural activity like wayang kulit and etc. If the producer choose "budak kelantan as the title", then it should potray a good image and since it would give impact to the Kelantan image. That is what I think, and we might think differently. Help to find a good point of the movie and since I believethe producer must have a deep thought before establishing it.

Some interesting line I quoted from the movie,

"kito ni Lie, kalu jahat pun jangan halang orang nak buat baik"

"Tok Amerika doh lah kalu jadi baik"

Final Countdown


High School has become the phenomena of the world. Every persons in this world I assume will know about this great movie. Now for the first time, High School MUsical was made into a movie since it has gain its popularity. This new movie I believe is full of energetic dance and peachy songs that makes you wanna sings. For me, High School Mosical is just like Grease starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton (hope I spell it right) which famous on the 80's. They bring the same concept, musical movie with high school life plot.

I am one of their millions fans around the world. I love to see any story related to wonderful school life's including Japanese drama. It just like what other people are saying, school life is the best part of your lifetime. That sounds so true. Somehow it makes you wanna turn back time and be among your friends, acting childishly, laugh to all your heart content and make unmatured decission. It is great to be at the young age.

That is what High School Musical make me feels like. It makes you believe that you can do anything you want. Eventhough it might sounds weird to other people and they might laugh at you, but think back. A true friends wont laugh at you, and they wont look down on you. A true friends will always believe and support your back in everything you do. That is what happen between Vanessa and Troy. His basketball team has synical view about Troy joining theater but it is not for Vanessa who at last become His Girl. They also thaught us that everything will be fine "if we're all in this together"; the last song in the HSM1.

I really cant wait to watch the movie when I go back home. I hope the CD will be on sale at that moment.


A visit to someone's house

Diwali Celebration

Diwali is coming and from what I heard in the television, New Zealand has the second world's largest diwali celebration after India and followed by UK. So I couldn't wait to be there and witness it with my own eyes. So several my friend and I went there at 8 since the celebration will end en at 10.00. We got lost even the place is just nearby. The celebration were held at the Viaduct Harbour. But we lost for good since we are able to see a big cruise. I was mesmerized by it and how could a big ship like that didn't sink in the water. Even if we drop a little a small stone in the river it will sink but why a huge ship made of metal didn't sink after all? Subhanallah. No wonder Allah mention a lot about it in the Quran.

Tidakkah engkau memperhatikan bahawa Allah menundukkan bagimu apa yg ada dbumi, dan kapal-kapal berlayar dengan di lautan dengan perintahNya...[Al-Hajj,22:65]

"MilikNyalah kapal-kapal yang berlayar di lautan bagaikan gunung-gunung"[Ar-Rahman,55:24]

afraid that the celebration will end soon, we didn't take any picture of it and save it on our journey back home. So we rush to the habour. I was surprised to see lots of stall, in fact food stall. It was exactly the same situation like what we have, bazar ramadhan. There are four rows of stall with lots of Indian food, Masala Dosa, Plain Dosa, Naan, Samosa, MAngo Lassee and the list goes on. But I tried none of it, afraid that it might not be halal. SO we just pass by and enjoy the smell and their good looks. [sounds pathetics huhuhu]

As we walk a hear, I could hear Banghra songs played. Now I feel like I am in Bollywood. Whenever I here an Indian songs, it makes me feel good, feel like dancing maybe. It is so much fun. I am shoched once again to see ots of people in front of my eyes reacting to the dance performed on the stage. It was like what I normally see in the TV; people dancing on the beat. Now I am convinced that they realy love music and dancing, it is not only in the movie and it is for real.

I praised the organizer for handling the celebration, even they are not in their motherland. Even they are far away form India, they still celebrate it with pride, they are proud to be Indian and they are proud to be New Zealanders as well. Great isnt it? Eidilfitri was only celebrated among us and not formally. It is good if we celebrate it openly (i mean besar-besar an), then people will know about Islam and I think it is one of the way of dakwah.

But reflecting it back, what if we played our Hari Raya songs or maybe our Takbir, and to people who didn't know it dancing upon it. It is a sad thing isnt it? But maybe it is not appropriate now and it will takes time for New Zealandrs accept Islam as whole.

After all celebration finished, we walked back home and planned to stop by the big cruise again. But when we arrive there, it is not there anymore and looking in the ocean, we can still see that it still rippled aroud. And when we look ahead, the ship is on its way and we are just late by 5 minutes maybe. hahahahha. Pengajaran of the day, "never procastinate what you want to do"

MATHS again

Our Eid celebration

It has been a while since I updated here. So many things happen in my life that I want to share especially about our raya celebration here, but just an overview about it. Not in so much detail.

Even we are far from home, but we still prepared some home dishes, or should I say lots of home dishes in order to celebrate Eid Fitri. All of them are prepared by my kind Bio and Chemistry friends since Math students have a test that afternoon. All of them patiently wait till we finished our battle in the exam hall. One of the war that we have to face, maybe we don’t raise up our swords or ‘pertumpahan darah’ like Rasulallah did in Badar War. But it reminded me of the same thing. Then we celebrated it together in 3D, like a big family of mine. Thank you my fellow friends. How much I appreciated your presence in my life, Thank You

Our weekend shedule also full with the open houses invitation. kalah raya dekat Malaysia. If I was in Malaysia, we oncelebrated it for a week and thats it. Whats more in Kelantan, where we celebrated AidilAdha much longer and more joyous then EidFitri. But I wonder how this AidilAdha will feel like? With no Tok Ayah and nenek around? Will I feel the same?

That was last 3 weeks occasion. The latest event is our IB open houses held at I-Space; an international lounge on the third floor of the Kate Edger building. Everybody was surprised how on earth we could book such a place without establishing a formal club. All thanks to our manager and the organizer, with their good public relation we are able to book that exclusive place. At first, I was afraid, how are we gonna host an occasion for around 200 guests? And how are we going to cook 17 chickens in this small kitchen with limited pan size? And what are we going to do if we don’t provide enough food for the guest? But alhamdulillah, the occasion went smoothly with no problem at all. Alhamdulillah, how thankful I am I cant say. With everyone help, we are able to make it through and everybody was satisfied with the food and happy about the occasion. As a host, what else could we say? We are more than happy than you. Thank you Allah.

My lecturer once said

Everyone are special in their own way

"Everyone is special in their own way,

we make each other strong

we are not the same

we are different in a good way

together's where we belong"

"we are all in this together,

once we know that we are,

we're all stars,

and we see that,

we're all in this together,

when we stand, hand in hand make our dream come true

I was finishing my assignments with some of my friends. some of were chit chatting while holding their pen on and some are eating to keep them awake. Then one of my friend suddenly mention, "I want a be like you, sitting wuietely and focussing on the work rather than talking here and there like me". But I replied, what a boring world it would be if everyone is like me. It reminded me of a Barney song I watched years ago with my little Izzah, and I smile alone.

I wonder what does it feel like if everyone is the same. Everyone is quiete, would rather do his or her wrk rather than socializing, have the some likes and dislikes. Boring isnt i? Dont want to imagine it somehow=) Everyone is unique in their own way. Each and everyone of us have our own preference and way how we did our way, how we carry on living. And that is why you are special.

we are bound with our strength and our weaknesses. We live in the society so that we could learn from others and improve ourself to be a better person. If everyone is the same, how is it possible for us to change? It is the imperection we have that could complete others. For example, 'A' might be good at cooking but rather have a small appetite and 'B', a person with a big appetite might think that he or she has a bad attitude. But without realizing, it is you (B) who have completed A. What a perfect match and see, both A and B are special in their own way.

So dont feel bad about yourself. Keep your head high cause you are SPECIAL in you OWN WAY. Just like what the video said.

Marah? Check this out

Wind of Change

We were talking around the table while completing our assignment due at 4.00pm just now. ANd one of my friends suddenly mention, she is afraid of going back to MAlaysia. I was like, what she is thinking actually? And I asked her why? She mention, "alhamdulillah she slowly begin to change herself when she arrive here" So I asked back, "then what is the problem since you change to be a better person?" "I am afraid that the environment wont support me" *sigh* And the conversation goes on and end at that table.

But my head are still digesting all those input of recent conversation now. And many things are playing in my mind. Like why does people afraid to change? And now when they do change, they are afraid of what the society are thinking about them? Then what is the purpose of changing? Are you changing for the sake of the society or you yourself are willing to change? Question after question pops up in my mind.

Now I am sitting on my bed wandering what is the perfect answer for those entire question. Changing is a hard process and the hardest step is the first step you're going to make. That situation apply to everyone and I believe everyone have their own experience about it. But after you overcome that step, then everything will goes well when you believe in yourself.

But the process will become a lot easier when you have a good environment supporting you. And alhamdulillah that is what we feel here. And alhamdulliah with everyone help, the ship we are in now are sailing smoothly. And the ship is close to their next destination and we are about to reach there, our home sweet home. But some of the crews are afraid of walking down. They afraid if they cant suit themselves with their people and the surrounding they used to live in. But the other parts of the crew are counting their days of kissing their homeland and I am one of the crew.

Why do they have to feel afraid? That is your people, your own family and I believe they would support you in everything you do. Whats more when it is a good thing. They will feel proud with and I believe so. "But how about our old friend?" My dear friends, do you become friend just to please them with your attitude? Do you become friends so that you could be as famous as her? or are you becoming friend for the sake of that sacret relation you want to have? If you answer the first two options, maybe you are wrong and you are not sincere enough in the relationship you have. Friendship is divine relationship where each and everyone saling memperingati antara satu sama lain. When you have a good friend, then they will accept who you are. They will still be your friend no matter how you are and support in everything you do. That is when you have a good friend.

So my dear friend, ignore what people might think of you and dont let people turn your guard's down. But it is as long as you are on the right path. Try to change for the better and remember Allah is always with you.

[monolog] Rindu Syawal


Air Mata Syawal
Siti Nurhaliza

rindu ini menerjah lagi,

mengetuk ruang hatiku ini,

meronta-ronta memanggilku pulang.

Satu persatu wajah kesayanganku menerjah minda,

Lipatan memori ku terbuka luas kini,

Segala-galanya seolah skrin lebar dihadapan mataku,

Semuanya begitu segar diingatan,


Rindu sekali,

Tidak tertahan rasanya,

Menitis air mata ku terkenangkan pelukan hangat ayahanda dan bonda,

Menyalami permata hatiku satu persatu,

Semua wajah kusayang tersenyum lebar

Menghargai Aildilfitri kurniaan Ilahi

Menyelami erti kemaafan dan saling memaafkan,

Itulah kemuliaan Syawal

Air jernih itu menitis perlahan


Tinggalkan aku wahai rindu,

Pergi jauh dariku,


Aku perlu kekuatan untuk semua ini,

Aku perlu focus menghadapi tanggungjawab ku sebagai pelajar,

Inilah pengorbananku,

Inilah tugasku

Namun, puas kucegah

Puas ku memujuk diri

Namun air mata ini mengalir lagi,

Wahai angin bayu, bawakn bisikan rindu ku ini,

Wahai angin sampaikan salam kemaafan ku buat mereka,

Wahai ayah bonda,

Ampu anakanda,

Tak dapat beraya bersama,

Jauh dari mata dekat di jiwa

Teguh kasih ku tidak berubah

Kun Fa Yakun

True Meaning of Eid to You

Man and Imam

Now it has been 10 days past since Ramadhan started last week. How fast time flies and my class will restart again in 3 days. But that is not the main point here. I would like to talk bout a special solat, in a fact a very special one since we can only do it now, in Ramadhan yang penuh berkat ini.

It has been 10 days I perform my isya and terawikh prayer at my house with my friends (my house was use as a surau since the surau available here is too small to memuatkan all jemaah perempuan). But last night i have an opportunity of having it in a normal way, with a man imam. I kind of feeling happy bout that. Not that I am complaining that I dont like ti have a sister to be an imam, but i like it more if a man is the imam i followed. It kind of different I think. But I dont know the actual reason for that.

"Laki-laki itu pelindung bagi perempuan (isteri) kerana Allah telah melebihkan sebahagian mereka (lelaki) atas sebahagian yang lain (perempuan), dan kerana mereka (lelaki) telah memberi nafkah dari hartanya. Maka perempuan-perempuan yang soleh, adalah mereka yang taat (kepada Alla) dan menjaga diri ketika (suaminya) tidak ada, kerana Allah telah menjaga (mereka)...."[An-Nisa,4:34]

A man become an imam is kind of fitrah I think. We knew that man is a leader which is imam on the other words. We will feel more secure to have man in a group. That is what my mum would say, "it feels different if a man is around, even we knew that *%# is still small and we cant rely much on him, but it does make the difference because he is a man." Emm maybe, man is a real leader.

Than looking back at certain things, man will be much better that women in many aspects. For example, even cooking is sinonime with women, but still men will be better in it. Example, look at how many top women cheff we have in Malaysia? you would still have free fingers with no name on it (tak sampai 10 pun kot yang dikenali ramai), but for men we have Cheff Wan, Cheff Ismail, Cheff ........ and the list goes on. Still men is over women.

"Dan Janganlah kamu iri hati terhadap karunia yang telah dilebihkan Allah kepada sebahagian kamu atas sebahagian yg lain. (Karena) bagi lelaki ada bahagian dari apa yang mereka ushakan, dan bagi perempuan (pun) ada bahagian dari apa yang mereka usahakan. Mohonlah kepada Allah sebahagian dari karunia-Nya. Sungguh ALlah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu"[An-Nisa,4:32]

That is for women's regular routine and men is ahead, so whats more on men experts area. What more you can expect?? Especially engineering. The name to be put on list is infinity. Even in job perspects, when it comes to engineering stuff, people would prefer to hire men rather than women. They learn the same thing but they have different qualities especially in terms of scill and technique. I realise it when I study physics back in KMS. I was in a group with a guy hand few girls. But somehow when it comes to problem solving, he would see things more than us women did. Buy the time he get the real picture of the problems, my friend and I still garu kepala; wondering what the question is all about. Amazing isnt it? But yup guy have that ability of thinking and imagination.

Hebatnya manusia bergelar lelaki yang diciptakan ALlah. But back to al-quran dan Islam, Allah tidak membezakan antara lelaki dan perempuan. Cuma yang membezakan mereka adalah amal dan taqwa. Allah itu Maha Adil

"Barangsiapa mengerjakan kebajikan, baik lelaki mahupun perempuan dalam keadaan beriman, maka mereka pasti akan Kami berikan kepadanya kehidupan yang baik dan Kami Beri balasan dengan pahala yang lebih baik dari apa yang mereka telah kerjakan"[An-Nahl,16:97]

Salam Perantauan

Ayat-Ayat CINTA

Just watched a great love story of Aishah and Fahri, Ayat-Ayat Cinta; an Indonesian movie adopted from a novel written by Habiburrahman. Ia berkisar tentang seorang pemuda Indonesia yang menuntut di Universiti Al-Azhar, Mesir. Boleh saya katakana bahawa lelaki ini cukup sifatnya yang menjadikan dirinya buruan para wanita di sana tanpa mengira bangsa dan agama. Dia kerap kali menerima surat-surat cinta dari wanita-wanita yang menyatakan hasrat mereka untuk menjadi wanita yang halal disisinya. Namun, Fahri masih mencari-cari jodohnya.

“Kita punya jodoh masing-masing yang dikurniakan Tuhan dari Hati.”

“Sungai Nil dan Mesir adalah jodoh”

Telah ditakdirkan tuhan bahawa lelaki yang baik adalah untuk perempuan yang baik. Jadi atas izinNya, Fahri telah dipertemukan dengan Aishah; seorang gadis Jerman yang kecantikan wajahnya dan senyum manisnya tersembunyi di balik purdahnya dan Fahri memilih unutk menikahinya. Bukan hanya kerna cinta, namun dia juga melakukannya demi mengelakkan fitnah dan memenuhi tuntutan agama. Disebalik kegembiraan yang mereka rasai, Maria seorang warga Spain yang sering menolong Fahri dalam suka dan duka, Nurul seorang gadis Indonesia yang telah lama menyimpan cinta dan Norra seorang warga Arab yang dibantu Fahri untuk bertemu keluarga kandungnya merasa terluka. Ketiga-tiga mereka mengalami depressi yang mendalam hingga rela menimbulkan fitnah hinga menyebabkan Fahri dipenjara sebagaimana kisah Yusuf a.s

“Jika kehidupan penjara lebih baik untukku, maka aku rela Ya Allah” (Nabi Yusuf)

manakala Maria dan Nurul kini hilang motivasi unutk hidup.

“Sungai Nil kini tandu kerna kehilangan mesirnya”

Namun sebagai seorang isteri, Aishah masih mempercayai suaminya dan menolong suami mencari bukti-bukti untuk mempertahankan maruah suaminya. Namun hati perempuan mana yang tidak terluka mengetahui bahawa suaminya digilai ramai. Dan demi memberi kehidupan kepada Maria yang kini terbaring lesu dan tidak henti mengucap nama suaminya, dia merelakan dirinya dimadukan. Fahri menolak keras kerna dia yakin Aishah adalah jodohnya, namun Aishah bertegas mengatakan bahawa jodoh adalah rahsia tuhan dan Fahri perlu menyelamatkan Maria. Kelembutan dan sifat keadilan Fahri kini menambat hati Maria dan dia mula merasai kekesalan. Kini dia tahu apa bezanya antara cinta dan keinginan untuk memiliki. Aishah sanggup berkongsi kasih untuk memberi kehidupan baru kepada suaminya meskipun hatinya sendiri terluka, sering mengigatkan suaminya akan Maria. Sunggguh Aishah adalah isteri mithali dan sekiranya kita ikhlas dalam setiap apa yang kita lakukan, kita pasti dapat menyentuh hati seseorang itu.

[monolog] Ramadhan di perantauan


memang sangat rindu..

apa yang dirindui?

suasana berpuasa di malaysia..

seperti apa tu?

terawikh ramai2 di surau


kesesakan bazar ramadhan

tu jeke?

keenakan makanan di malaysia..

nampak remeh jek,

namun apa sebenarnya yang dirindu?

emm sebenarnya rindu nak berterawikh bersama umi abah dan adik2 di surau..

emm sebenarnya rindu nak ke bazar bersama umi abah nana eti n fadil..

emm sebenarnya rindu nak makan masakan umi n mek

n yang paling penting berbuka bersama seluruh ahli keluarga..

tapi cuba renungkan sekali lagi

kenapa kita berpuasa?

untuk suasana puasa itu sendiri ataupun untuk mencari rendha Nya?

adakah kita berpuasa untuk mendapat keseronokan berkumpul bersama ahli keluarga semata?

nikmat ke bazar ramadhan yang hanya diadakan setahun sekali?

emm itu semua hanyalah nikmat sempena berpuasa..

"Orang yang berpuasa akan mendapat 2 kegembiraan; Ketika berbuka puasa dan ketika bertemu dengan tuhannya" [Hadis sahih riwayat Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn MAjah dan NAsai]

sebenar-benarnya kita berpuasa kerana Allah kan?

untuk mendapat redhaNya kan?

untuk merebut ganjaran Ilahi kan?

"Sesiapa yang berpuasa dalam bulan Ramadhan dalam keimanan dan pengharapan, maka akan diampunkan dosa-dosa yang lalu" [hadis sahih: Riwayat al-Bukhari #38 dan Muslim #1817]

jadi lupakan dulu buat sementara waktu..

berlumba-lumbalah kita merebut bulan bonus ini..

dimana pahala amalan wajib dilipat gandakan 70x..

dan pahala amalan sunat disamakn dgn pahala ibadah wajib..

jadi rebutlah ganjaran ini..

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